Saturday, June 30, 2012

Camp Courageous: Day 7

Well, I made it! Phew, at the beginning of the week I wasn't so sure I was going to be successful but I am thankful to say that the week is officially finished. Today was another early morning and since we were up late talking last night, my den peers and I were all super zombified this morning. Oops. Haha. Apparently our campers had the same mentality, as they were up whispering late into the night as well. Our laughing and hushing each other probably didn't help with that. Oh well, that's camp for you right? This morning we got our girls up, took their luggage to the curb, and signed camp shirts. I haven't done that since elementary school. Too funny. After signing a number of girls shirts I had never spoken to, we headed to breakfast where they served ice-cream sundaes...I opted for some cereal and got a scoop of vanilla ice-cream to put on top of my strawberries, just to be festive. Ha! After lots and lots of cheering, dancing, aerobic-ing, and taking pictures, we headed to the gym for the kids to start getting picked up. The pickup time was from 9-12. Guess whose camper was here until 1...oh yeah, this girl. Oy vey. This week has taught me to be more patient and gentle, but my goodness my "bucket was full" as they say, by noon and I was super done and ready to come home. Ha! SO, after hanging out in the gym for 4 hours, they served us lunch and the staff said their "see you laters" to the volunteers (which after last night was more sad than I had expected...and I was super bummed to say bye to sweet Madelina), and we packed our cars and headed out.

Sweet Kelly (One of my Den Peers)

Our Camp Banner

After driving for about fifteen minutes, I remembered that I had left an outfit to change into after the campers left (thinking I wouldn't be there until 1, Ha!) that I had forgotten in my drawer. Soooo, I turned around, got my clothes, and left again. Take two...thankfully the third time wasn't the charm. The drive home was suuuuper long as I was beyond exhausted. I kept having to shake my head, turn the AC on freezing, turn my music on loud, and sing even louder. Oh yes, I was a sight for sore eyes...and ears. Haha. BUT, I finally arrived home with minimal traffic (which was an answered prayer since it is 4th of July weekend and there was a big Speedway Race). I have yet to unpack or even get off the couch because my brain and body have officially turned off. That could be a problem.

I want to say a very sincere THANK YOU to everyone who wrote and sent me letters this week. I am definitely a words of affirmation girl and your love and encouragement through those letters touched my heart in a way I can't express in words. I was so humbled and overwhelmed by the fact that you all took the time to write and send your love and encouragement. The camp director called me the "Mail Queen" because of all the love I received. Unbelievable. I am in a constant state of gratefulness that the Lord has blessed me with such Godly men and women who so graciously allow themselves to be used by the Lord to touch my life. I also want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed over camp this week. They were absolutely heard and answered in bold ways. The kids that came to the camp are absolute gifts from God and are such beautiful reflections of Him. It was beautiful to see how He used them to bless us and how He used us to bless them. It was one big blessing circle, can't get any better than that! I truly am humbled by your all's love and support and wish that my words would appropriately express how thankful I am. I love you guys!

I Mean, Seriously? Y'all Are UNBELIEVABLE

This week was completely different than I had expected and definitely had some low low points and high high points. I learned so much about myself, had great opportunities to practice the fruits of the spirit, particularly love, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control, and had the opportunity to serve some incredible kids and work alongside some awesome girls. I will be processing this for weeks I have a feeling and know that the Lord will continue to reveal things to me as I do. Right now, I am super overwhelmed and mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted, but despite all of that, I am honored to have had this opportunity, I am absolutely blown away by the love and support I have received this week, and am again in awe of how faithful our God is!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you had such a FULL week and persevered through all of the ups and downs. There is no doubt in my mind you were a tremendous blessing to so many girls, probably even more than you realized. It will be cool to keep up with them in the years to come...who knows where your conversations will go as you continue to encourage them and show them the love of Christ. GREAT HARD WORK, Emilee Hancock!
