Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Teacher's Summer

Summer is my FAVORITE. Sleeping in, reading, traveling,  no alarm clock, lunch dates, quality time with my Sweet Love, carefree, empty mind...I LOVE it. This summer was no exception. My first school year ended in a blur and before I knew it, I was basking in the beauty and pure gift of a teacher's summer. I sincerely believe that God gives teachers summer so we can have the short-term memory loss wherewithal  to come back and do it all over again 3 months later. Ha! Summer is a GIFT that I am incredibly grateful for and incredibly sad to see come to and end. I have officially entered into my irrational state of emotions (my poor husband) and my sleepless nights of endless to-do lists ( poor husband. Ha!). We have maxed out our summer and packed in SO many memories. We are seriously making the most of these kidless days and traveling as much as possible. It has been so wonderful and I am SO SO grateful.

Before the school year ended, I made the very bittersweet decision to transfer schools. This decision was made after some serious tears, wise counsel, and prayers, but in the end was made with peace and excitement for the opportunity to go "back home" to teach at New Haven Elementary. Darin and I got new jobs within days of each other that neither of us would have believed had you asked a year or even six months before. God's faithfulness is so beautiful.

Pawleys Island...
We started the summer off with a SUPER relaxing trip to Pawleys Island in South Carolina. Sweet friends of ours generously blessed us with their condo for the week and IT. WAS. AMAZING. Oh my goodness, after a crazy school year, this trip set the tone for the summer and was so restorative to the soul...and body...and mind. It was such a gift. We got a LOT of reading done, which is a favorite of ours. I think I read four trips on that trip alone and it was really fantastic. (PSA: If you haven't read a Karen Kingsbury book, you should!)

This was SERIOUSLY my happy place. I sat and read my Karen Kingsbury book in the sweet sunshine while the ocean lapped against my feet. Yes, it was as magical as it sounds. Restoration. 

He's my favorite Beach Buddy

Big Life Changes...
We had a SERIOUS life change back in May. After about 6 months of a LOT of prayers and some serious spiritual and emotional growth independently and as a couple, Darin took the position of Lead Pastor at our church. I hope to blog about this journey someday because it's worthy of sharing, but looooong story short, God is incredibly faithful, sovereign, and gracious. He moved in our hearts in a way only He could and has blessed us abundantly through the love and support of our families, friends, and church family. We believe that the best for First Church is yet to come and are humbled by the opportunity to be used by God in this way. I am INSANELY proud of my Sweet Love and have been so proud to stand by his side these last 2.5 months (and the 3 years before then too).

Bucket-List Vacation...
Since we've been married, we have created a travel bucket-list and close to the top of the list was to road trip through the Northeast states. At the end of June we had the opportunity to check this trip off the list and goodness, it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. We traveled through Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, and Connecticut during this dream vacation. Words hardly do this place justice, so maybe pictures will help capture the beauty of this trip.

Nubble Lighthouse--York, ME

Snug Harbor Farm--Hidden Gem

Portland Light Head

Acadia National Park

Sunset On Top of Cadillac Mountain

The Summit of White Mountain

Braving the 71 (!!) Mile Per Hour Wind

Lake Pickwick
For the last 6 years or so, we have traveled down to Lake Pickwick on the border of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama for a few days of laughter, sunshine, and jet-skiing with dear friends of ours. I always LOVE this time with family and our precious friends and relish in the simplicity of lake life.

The North American...
In July, we had the opportunity to travel to Anaheim, California to attend the North American Christian Convention. We had the BEST time and got to hear from two of my very favorite speakers, Christine Cain and Bob Goff. These two are being used in INCREDIBLE ways for the Kingdom and it was truly a gift to learn from them. During our time in California, we got to spend a day in Disneyland, which made this Disney lover really happy. We got there at 9am and left at 1am. To say we made the most of our day is an understatement. It was awesome. I LOVE Disney. Despite the crowds, it makes me super happy. We loved this time of learning, growing, and memory-making together and were super thankful for the opportunity to go.

Dave Stone did an AMAZING job as President!

Bob Goff- My Favorite Author and Speaker


We watched the first Electrical Parade from the Teacups and it was magical.

Speaking of Magical...the fireworks get me. Every. Single. Time.

Fort Myers...
To wrap up the summer, we put free plane tickets toward a trip to Fort Myers to visit family. They spoiled us rotten and blessed us with ridiculous hospitality and generosity!

Other Highlights...
Watching this Girl Become a Mrs.

Holy Donuts and Friendship Time

Holiday World with the Fab 6

Family Time

So that leads me to now. A half hour from my "Back to School Bedtime" and just three days from my second first day of school. Please be in prayer for my precious kiddos and me as we begin this school year together. This job is harder than I could have ever imagined, but God is so faithful and gives me the strength and patience I often lack. I am overwhelmed by the opportunity to be these babies teacher and do not take this role and responsibility lightly. I know in just a few days these kids will become "my kids," who I will love, cry for, laugh with, think about, dream of, pray for, and consider my own.

"...for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." -Philippians 2:3

" And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." -Colossians 3:17

Sunday, January 10, 2016

My Home Away From Home

It is hard to believe I am already in my 3rd quarter of teaching 3rd grade. What an adventure this new season has been! I have blogged about these last 5 months in my head on multiple occasions, but taking the time to put those thoughts on paper has been a challenge. These last 5 months, my days have been long and exhausting and my weeks have been short and fulfilling. There are days I cry on my way home, certain that I am failing my kids and days when I leave school all but giddy, feeling like a “rock star teacher.” Teaching is a mental and emotional rollercoaster, my friends.

August 13, 2015

It is truly amazing how quickly I have come to love and delight in my kids. I adore these precious children and consider it such an honor to be their teacher. We have grown to be a family these last 5 months and it has brought my heart such joy. Just this past week, I told them what a proud “Momma” I was and one of the kids responded, “That’s weird.” No sooner had he said that, that one of my other kiddos said, “That’s not weird. We’re a family. But you would have had to have a lot of babies, Mrs. Mirante.” I consider these kiddos my own and have found such joy in watching them become boys and girls of character.

I laughed this past week at the realization that I am a homebody even at school. My happy place is in my room with my kids. In my classroom, we work hard, we learn, we respect one another, we practice kindness, we offer grace, we laugh, we encourage, and we dance…a lot. Dancing has become “our thing” when we need a quick break to get our wiggles and giggles out. Our current theme song is “Power” by Justin Bieber. Don’t judge me…I teach 8 and 9 year olds.

In these last 5 months, teaching has refined me in unexpected ways. I am a better person because of the 18 little ones that call me Mrs. Mirante. Here are just a few of the lessons I have learned…
  • The whole “First Year Teacher Sickness Thing” is for real. I say that laying on the couch with literally no voice and my 3rd sinus infection in the last 2 months.
  • Skittles are serious bargaining chips.
  • Ice packs and Band-Aids heal any and all ailment.
  • Choose your battles.
  • It’s okay to stop mid-lesson and change course.
  • You don't have to be a "Pinterest" teacher to be a good teacher.
  • Every child has a story.
  • Practice kindness.
  • Take time to get to know your kids – we have Circle Time each day and all of us look forward to sharing and getting to know each other during this time.
  • Teaching is one big experiment that is always evolving.
  • I thought I was patient when I started. I was not. I’m growing in this area.
  • Work smarter, not harder.
  • Leave your work at school. For teachers, this takes serious discipline! I often work up at school until 5:30 or 6:00 to get my work done, but when I leave, I'm finished for the night.
  • Celebrate your kids at any and all opportunities.
  • Laugh with your kids.
  • Classroom jobs for everyone gives your students a sense of ownership.
  • Get down on their level.
  • I LOVE Children's Books. I already knew this, but it has been confirmed. 
  • I have had to give up some of my OCD tendencies when it comes to my classroom. 
  • Play with your kids at recess.
  • Brag on your kiddos.
  • Eating lunch in the classroom with your kids is a serious treat. They think it is awesome!
  • Worksheets are overrated. Find ways to supplement them with interactive activities.
  • Communicate with parents – you cannot over-communicate.
  • You get serious mercy points from your kids when you’re sick – milk it for all it’s worth :)
  • Explain why there are consequences to certain actions.
  • Offer grace.
  • Bathroom breaks are all but nonexistent. TMI- My bladder has officially been “trained.”
  • Teaching is one of the most humbling jobs. For better or worse, you always have an audience.
  • Take time to listen to the stories your kids have to tell you.
  • One of my most used lines, “Give me grace, I’m not perfect.”
  • The line between absolute chaos and controlled chaos is very thin.
  • Somedays my kids drive me crazy. Ha! #transparency 
  • Disney Instrumental Music is our jam! We listen to this throughout most of the day as we work.
  • Ask questions.
  • Respect your kids and they will respect you.
  • Storyline Online is a saving grace sometimes...sometimes you just need 5 minutes to take a breath.
  • Teaching is expensive.
  • For better or worse, I am the only 3rd grade teacher these kids are going to get. No pressure!
  • Planning time is so nice. I love my kids so much, but having 50 minutes of calm and quiet does the soul good.
  • More days than not, you will feel like you are failing your kids. Keep showing up...even if you have to cry all the way to school.
  • Find small wins every day.

As I start this second half of the school year, I am praying expectantly, trusting that God will use me in a mighty way to love and lead my kids. Thank you, Jesus for the opportunity to teach your children.