Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fun Fall Festivities

I am LOVING fall this year...perhaps because I have been able to stop and be in one place this year. Praise the Lord for that! Seriously, I have been enjoying this season so much and have been especially excited about fall...until the weather got cold. Then I remembered why I don't like this time of year. Well, that and my crazy allergies. Ha! BUT, this fall has been more fun and more festive than I remember others being. The majority of the season so far (September-just recently) had the most amazing weather. My idea of perfect weather is sunny and 70's. Ahh, so perfect. What has made this season even better is the fact that I've gotten to spend it with my love. I am thankful.

I've had some really sweet times these last few weeks and have gotten to capture some fun pictures as well...

Capturing Kodak Moments...
I am loving getting to learn about my new camera. I haven't had a whole lot of time to research the camera but am having a good time experimenting with it and capturing some pretty nature pictures...and fun fall pictures as well.

Friday Fun Days...
My schedule this year is pretty sweet. NKU is so much different from UK (in a lot of ways) in that I am only on campus about 10 hours a week and for only 4 in person classes a week. Meaning, I have two days a week where I am FREE...which is awesome. At the beginning of the semester, Darin and I were reading and relaxing at a coffee shop and were convicted of how important practicing the Sabbath is. After that day, we made it a point to practice our Sabbath on Friday, since Sunday is a work day for him. Each Friday we have one-on-one time and find fun and relaxing places to hang out and read, talk, adventure, etc. I LOVE our Friday Fun Days. They have quickly become my favorite day of the week as I treasure that intentional time with my love and really enjoy finding new places to explore with him. My very favorite dates so far have been...Over the Rhine and Devou Park, Fountain Square and Sawyer Point Park, fun (and yummy) restaurants, relaxing parks, and my latest favorite date day...super lazy days on the couch watching Parenthood. Seriously, this is my latest obsession.

A couple weeks ago, after feeling especially spoiled by my sweet love, I decided it was time to spoil him too. I was so excited to plan our Friday Fun Day...and a little nervous since the bar was set awfully high. Well, I tried to do my love proud and do lots and lots of research on the best place to eat and the most fun thing to do. I had been wanting to go to the zoo with Darin ever since I took Maren and Warner back in the summer and then once I got my camera I had even more incentive so decided that the zoo would be our final destination. After doing lots of research, I came across a restaurant called Zoup! which was SO yummy. The restaurant was Panera-esque but the food (gourmet soup and wraps/salads) was way more unique and yummy. AND an added bonus was that Darin had never even heard of the place...big bonus for me, as he has done a lot of research for restaurants and is over in that area quite a bit. He rated it to be an A+ so that was a success! After that, I punched in the address for the zoo and we headed that way. Throughout the day he had been guessing where he thought we were going (which I always hate because I feel defeated if he guesses correctly. Ha!) and he had flippantly said the zoo but I quickly wrote that option off. Until we got close and zoo signs were plastered all over the place. Oops. Needless to say, I told him/he figured it out before we got there. And we had the best time! He had only been to the Cincinnati Zoo for the Festival of Lights so it was fun to adventure around the different exhibits and discover new things together. We even got to feed the giraffes...I know, I know, that's for the kids buuuut we couldn't resist. The weather was perfect and the company was even better...oh and Darin was amazing too. Ha! Kidding. I'd say it was a wonderfully successful day date and I think it's safe to say that I earned his trust to plan another day sometime soon.

Mom and Dad Go On Vacation...
Well, as the title suggests, mom and dad went on vacation, which left me and our 2 nutty dogs home alone. Eep! I know it is completely ridiculous, but I was sincerely afraid of being home alone at night. I love being home alone during the day (most of the time, Ha!) but realllllly did not like being home alone at night. The week was pretty traumatic. Dramatic but true. The first night was the most traumatic of all...and the shortest night of all as I got maybe 3 hours of sleep. Geesh. Let me just set up this scene...severe storm and tons of rain (strike 1), 1 dog being afraid of lightning the other being afraid of thunder (strike 2), Emilee being afraid of infamous and fantasized "bad guys" that would inevitably break into the house (strike 3), oh and did I mention that the night before we had watched Olympus Has Fallen (which was the worst movie I have ever seen) and Elizabeth Smart's story (umm, yeah the story of how she was abducted from her bedroom)...I'd say that was 3 strikes in and of itself. Geesh. So all of that combined with the fact that these two goofball dogs of ours are both completely worthless when it comes to being guard dogs and very much high maintenance and it was just a recipe for disaster. So I think I fell asleep around 3 or so that night only to be woken up at 5 by Marlough shaking my entire bed. So naturally I had to get out of bed and go downstairs (which was terrifying), let him outside (even more terrifying), and feed him/give him his medicine. Of course my fear was at an all time peak as I was zombie-walking through the house at 5:00 in the morning...and then...I  saw the biggest spider ever (only a liiiiitle WAS the biggest spider I have seen the house before) crawling along the kitchen floor. I can't make these things up, people. I freaked out but refrained from screaming because, who was going to come save me anyway? Uhh, nobody. So then I try to figure out how in the world I am going to work up the courage to kill said spider (because I can't let it go because then it would inevitably wind up in my room...ugh, I'm cringing as I type this) so I grabbed a shoe, put it on, took a deep breath, and stomped the heck out of that spider (FYI- I literally just had to wipe off my palms because my hands are sweating just thinking about that experience). Gosh, it was awful. Obviously I was quite worked up by the time I made it back up to bed and didn't fall asleep until 6 and woke up at 7:30. Needless to say, it was rough. The rest of the week was still pretty traumatic but had some high being Rachel coming to visit for a day/night. That was definitely the best night I slept. Ha! It was SO good to see Rach and have some one-on-one time with her. Made my heart super happy for sure!

Moral of this story...I have an over-active imagination and should never be left home alone.

Niederman Farm...
For the past 10+ years we have visited the Niederman Farm during the fall to walk through their (amazing) corn maze. We met the Niederman's back during the Lakota days and have kept in touch ever since and have made their corn maze a Hancock Family tradition. The corn maze was awesome (but not nearly as magical as it was when I was a little girl) but being reunited with our sweet friends was even better. They are as good as it gets and it was so good to catch up with them! The homemade donuts were a yummy treat as well...Ha! Definitely more sweet memories made and another year of corn mazing is officially in the books.

Strangely enough, I am sort of kind of liking school. Whaaaat? Crazy, huh? I guess I should clarify and say that I am tolerating the school part but LOVING my time at Collins (the elementary school where I'm doing my field experience). Seriously, I cannot even say how much I love my time there. I am working with sweet baby first graders and they have officially captured my heart. I can't walk through the room without getting little squeezes and love from my sweet babies. I am learning so much from my time there and get such joy from watching them learn and live. These kiddos are definitely a handful but they crack me up. I'm not sure why I haven't been doing this all semester, but I started writing down some of the hilarious things they say...because as you know, kids say the darndest things.

-First of all, watching them during PE is hands down one of the most precious and hilarious things of all time. They are so uncoordinated and clumsy and it just makes my heart happy. So far this year they have learned how to hula-hoop (which was a serious challenge), run/walk with a speedometer, practice making animal sounds and movements, etc. I get the biggest kick out of these kids!
-Being called Miss Emilee makes my heart happy.
-I love that these babies can't tie their shoes/button their pants, etc. I love being needed by these little ones.
-Hearing first graders read aloud is just really stinking cute. I love the words they make up.
-While reviewing different animals, a picture of a centipede (yucky) was shown. One little girl shot her hand up, anxious to inform the class what this creature was. When her guess of "a worm" was denied, she stated quite disappointed, "Aw man, that's my favorite animal." I seriously had to stop myself from giggling. Poor girl needs to be taken to the zoo. Ha!
-During writing time, I helped one of my favorites (can I say that?) his assignment, which was to identify words around the room that ended with a double consonant (ll, ss, etc.) As we walked around the room, he would point to a word and read it correctly and then say (every single time), because the word + both sounds of the consonant (example: Glass= Gla-s-s) would be silly. He then proceeded to giggle every time. Be still my heart. This doesn't do it justice, but it was precious.
-During writing time, one little boy was asked to do a free write. His free write stated, "My cat pees on my bed. I smell my bed." Umm...alright then.

That's all that happened this week, but I am definitely going to start writing these perfectly quotable moments down because they make me giggle and hopefully they'll make you giggle as well.

Small Group...
When I came home from UK, I realized I was in serious need of some community. After struggling for a while as to what to do, I asked several of my sweetest friends to start a small group with me. With crazy schedules and crazy life, several of the girls had to decline, but by the end, there were four of us and that is just fine with me! Every other Wednesday we meet up and talk about life over some dinner. We are keeping it pretty casual at this point so that we can get to know each other better, but it has been so refreshing to have such a sweet group of girls to do life with and laugh and be super silly with. Definitely love these amazing ladies.

Pumpkin Carving...
Well this pretty much speaks for itself. We did some good old fashioned pumpkin carving...and it just wasn't as magical as it used to be. Still fun but a lot more goopy gooey work than I remember. Ha! I am quite a traditionalist (sometimes to a fault) so much so, that I used to carve/decorate my pumpkin by myself when Rachel decided it was no longer fun, simply because we used to do it each year and I felt the need to carry on the tradition. Well, that tradition quickly died as I realized that carving pumpkins just isn't as much fun by yourself. Ha! Fast-forward 7 or so years and I hadn't carved a pumpkin since. Until this year. Oh yeah! One Sunday I was feeling especially festive and decided that Darin and I needed to carve pumpkins. It was an adventure and was a fun process, but just seemed to be more work in a cold and dimly lit garage than it was worth. Ha! Not to mention, I got overly ambition and decided to spell "LOVE" because I'm cheesy like that. Besides my V failing and being dangerously close to my "o" heart and my E being excessively lopsided, I'd say it gets an A for effort. I'll rack the whole experience up as another fun and festive memory and be happy about that.

Again, this title pretty much explains itself, BUT it was a definite highlight of the past few weeks and definitely worth mentioning. Last week I had my "Fall Break," which was less than exciting since no one else in my family had Fall Break...lame. Buuuut, since I didn't have class Monday night or the following Tuesday morning, Darin and I took a trip down to Lexington (my first time back since I moved out...definitely pretty emotional) and got to grab dinner at our favorite restaurant Saul Good with two of my favorite people. Ooooh it did my heart so good to see Lydia and Katelynn. After dinner we got to go to Woodhill and visit with our sweet friends there. Again, that did my heart good. It was SO wonderful to catch up with our friends there and show them that even though I've moved I still love them an awful lot. Love those people. Love that ministry.

Happy Anniversary Union!
First Church Union Campus celebrated it's 1st Anniversary last weekend with a big party after church. We had pizza, a jump house, a balloon guy, a DJ, Kona Ice, and lots of friends to celebrate with. It was so fun to be able to see the congregation in a different setting and see the silly and playful side of some people. My heart swells with pride as I watch Darin (and the rest of the crazy amazing Union Team) lead and love these people so well. I am so excited to see how the Lord uses this campus and these amazing people to reach our community and love people to Jesus. It's going to be an exciting journey!

Being Home...
Coming home was the best thing for me. I get teary eyed typing that because that statement comes with a lot of layers. I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed my decision to come home and am overjoyed by the ways He has always revealed some of the reasons why He led me back home. With that joy also comes some sadness though, as I certainly still miss my UK peeps. Somedays that missing is more painful than others. Sometimes my heart aches as I miss my sweet friends that I left behind in Lexington. But despite that aching, I have never regretted my decision to come home. Praise the Lord for that! One of my biggest fears of coming home was that I would regret my decision and spend another year being discontent. So being able to say that confidently is a big deal. I miss the CSF community, Southland, Woodhill, and more than anything, I miss my sweet friends. BUT, I am loving life back home. I cannot even express how thankful I am for the healing that has happened since being home and the precious and invaluable memories I have made here. I am so glad I didn't fully know how amazing doing life with Darin is or I wouldn't have been able to make it through last year. It is SO amazing to actually do life with Darin. To do every day, boring and mundane, normal life with him. It's so awesome! I love the new rhythm we have and I love how much I get to see him, learn from him, learn about him, and spend time with him. I cannot get enough of him. I love any and all time with him and am so thankful for quiet, silly, and memorable moments with him. I also love having time with my parents. I fully recognize that this is a really special and fleeting time and am so thankful to have this quality time with them. They love me so well and I am so thankful. I love getting to see some of my favorite little people grow up, I love being a part of the Union Campus, I love getting dinner/lunch with some of my very favorite people, I love being in ONE place. There is so much good that has come out of my move back home and I am overwhelmed with gratitude for how faithful the Lord is.

Fall Festival...
We started the Halloween festivities early at First Church this year and had a great time at the Fall Festival. Man, there are some seriously cute and creative kids out there. Darin and I were the "greeters" for the night, so we got to see all the precious kiddos and job, I'd say! We decided to be festive (yet simple) as well and got Minnie and Mickey hats. First couple "costume." Ha! We had fun visiting with everyone and had fun being a part of the festivities. I sure do love my Mickey and am humbled every day to be his Minnie.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Seven Snapshots Sunday

My highlights of the week shown through Seven Snapshots...enjoy!

Pumpkin Carving with My Love

Quick Trip to Lexington & Woodhill

Beechwood's Homecoming Parade

My Latest Obsession...Seriously.

FCC Union Campus 1 Year Anniversary Celebration

All 3 Dogs Got Beautified This Week

Loving Fall

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Seven Snapshots Sunday

Well, I got a new fancy camera for my birthday and am experimenting with learning how to use it. I LOVE documenting life through pictures so am going to (try) to start doing some semi-weekly Seven Snapshots to help me practice my photography skills.

These pictures are pretty random but I am sort of loving them. The first three were taken at Central Park (which we LOVE), the fourth was taken in our own little garden, and the last three were taken at the Cincinnati Zoo (more to come about that adventure). Enjoy...

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Well, my birthday has come and gone and I am left feeling one day older and super thankful. It’s always extremely humbling to have a birthday…to the point that I usually cry at least one time every birthday. Ha! Kind of pathetic, right? When I was little I would hide behind our couch each birthday and cry and cry because I didn’t want to get any older…my parents called me Peter Pan for obvious reasons. I just knew even back then how sweet life was as a kid and didn’t want those sweet and simple days to disappear. Well, fast-forward about 12 years and I am still crying, but this time for different reasons. I am crying because I am so completely overwhelmed by the abundant blessings in my life. I feel so undeserving of the generosity of words, gifts, and love that are absolutely lavished upon me. I mean, seriously, I am overwhelmed with love.

So I turned the big 2-1. Big deal, right? Ha! This is the birthday I have heard about for years and one that Darin has jokingly talked about for months now. The big day came and well, it was just like any other birthday. Wonderful and special, but still simple. No crazy partying for this girl…unless an exceptionally sweet tea counts for getting crazy. In my family we have a tendency to celebrate birthdays for at least a week…we begin the festivities on the first day of our “Birthday Week” and party until at least a day or two after. Good times for sure!

The big celebration started the night before my birthday by having a super special dinner with Darin and Linda. We went to a restaurant called The Incline, which had the most amazing view. We had the best time talking and laughing and enjoying the view of Cincinnati. So lovely. So blessed to love and be loved by such amazing people. So thankful.

The pre-celebration continued by flamingo-ing our crackalackin’ friend, Miss Jenny’s yard for her big 50th birthday. It was so fun and silly to flamingo her yard at 11:00 at night. Ha! Good times. And then to really bring in my birthday, we drove down my very favorite road (this is silly, but we made it a big deal and may or may not have put our hands up. Ha!). Good times.

This birthday was a little different than my last few birthdays because I fell asleep without anyone bursting into my room and singing “Happy Birthday” at midnight (Miss you, Lydia) and woke up at home instead of in Lexington. A little bittersweet, but mostly sweet because I got to spend the whole day with family. I woke up to homemade signs by my sweet sis (who had made them and given them to mom to hang) and a Cinderella balloon in my bathroom…you’re never too old for Cinderella, right? Ha! That made me feel super special and definitely made my heart happy. After having a pretty lazy morning, mom and I went out just the two of us and got some brunch. That was awesome! Even though I’m living at home, time with just mom or just dad is still pretty rare, so that was a fun treat for sure! Then we did some shopping…because that’s what happens when you get brunch at Crestview. After those fun festivities, we headed home to chill and get ready for a wedding that afternoon.


Around 4:00 we headed over to church for the wedding and I got to wear the most amazing dress that my Sweet D had bought for me. For some reason I really wanted a birthday dress this year…you know, just something to feel pretty in on my big day. Well, I shopped and shopped and every dress I liked was either too expensive or didn’t fit the way I wanted it to. So I kind of gave up on the idea…until Darin and I went shopping the Friday before my birthday and we found the perfect dress. And what made it even more perfect was that it was a gift from my sweet love (which really was the reason I wanted a dress…it’s a lot more fun to dress up when you have someone to dress up for, right?). So that was super sweet and super fun to feel pretty and girly for my 21st Birthday.

After the wedding, Darin and I left for our grand (surprise) adventure. Oh he spoils me. If you know me well, you know I LOVE cheese. It’s pretty weird I know, but I love it. If I could choose between cheese or chocolate, I would choose cheese every time. Ha! SO, with Darin being the precious and generous man that he is, he surprised me by taking me to The Melting Pot…aka a cheese lovers Heaven. Ha! The concept of The Melting Pot is super fun and completely experiential because everything is fondue style, meaning you dip different sides into a pot of CHEESE and cook your own meat. How fun is that? We were pretty nervous at first to cook our meat because we were afraid we would do it wrong and wind up eating raw meat…but, thankfully that didn’t happen and our confidence level grew with each new piece. Yum! The whole meal lasted about two hours, so that in and of itself was super fun. Mmmmm. After our meal, we went to one of our favorite parks, Ault Park, where I received the most amazing gift…a box full of 99 handwritten love letters. I am a words of affirmation person…meaning, I LOVE and long for affirmative words. SO, I was extremely humbled by all of those beautiful words. To the point of tears. Oh it was amazing. I sat and read every single one as I sat in the arms of the one I love…yes girls, it was just like out of a movie.  After spending quite a while at the park reading my notes, talking, and just enjoy being together, we went to Graeter’s and shared the most delicious (and FREE) sundae. Umm, this thing was FOR REAL. Chocolate Bunt Cake + Warm Chocolate Syrup + 2 Scoops of Raspberry Chip Icecream + Whip Cream…yeahhh, talk about a sugar coma. Ha! Mmm, it was so tasty. We wrapped up our night by coming back to the house and spending the last few minutes of my birthday with my parents. It was a super sweet and special day. It’s fun to be a birthday girl!

The festivities continued the next day, where went to Louisville and celebrated with family. AH. I love my family. That was the sweetest gift of all. I loved spending time with everyone and was once again overwhelmed by such generous and amazing gifts…including my very own “fancy” camera. Real technical term. Ha! But really, I am SUPER excited to learn about and use this new camera. I love photography so this was a super amazing gift!

All of these fun and sweet festivities on top of the countless Facebook messages, texts, and phone calls made this girl feel SUPER special. And super overwhelmed.

As I reflected back on my 20th year, I was reminded of how great of a year it was. SO, I thought I would document some of my favorite 20 moments through pictures… (which turned out to be EXTREMELY difficult to narrow down).

20th Birthday Celebrations

First Time Voting

"I Love You" (Yes, in these outfits)

Living With These Two AMAZING Girls

Christmas Celebrations (Festival of Lights)

First Trip to Wabash

Valentine's Day

First Bouquet Catch

Ring Pop Engagement & 
All of Our Fun Dates

Shift Group & Baptizing Rhey

Zoe Joy's Birth



Wednesday Night Dates with My Bestie

Summer Weddings

Rachel and Jeremy's Wedding

Family Trip to Disney

Mission Trip to Canada

Our First 1st Anniversary

Lake Pickwick