Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Crazy Life

To Be Still…
Psalm 46:10 states, “Be still and know that I am God.” To be still means to stop and let go of the reigns of life. To be still means to stop and let God work in and through you and to listen for His voice. To be still means to stop focusing on the daily stress and responsibilities each day brings and to turn your attention to the Lord. I am guilty of being anything but still. My life these past few weeks has been an absolute whirlwind full of late nights, early mornings, and long days. I have been dependent on to-do lists, iCal events, and alarm clocks. What I’ve recently been convicted of however, is that all of the things I have devoted my time, energy, and thoughts towards, are incredibly insignificant when compared to the plans God has in store for my life. He doesn’t care about my never ending to-do lists or color coded iCal events…no, He cares about His lost, lonely, and broken children on this campus. He cares about the opportunities He blesses me with to be a light and source of encouragement to His children. He cares about the lives that would be forever changed if they heard about the overwhelming love and grace of God. Instead of getting wrapped up in the next task I need to accomplish, I need to focus on the next life the Lord can save through me. While college is intended for learning and earning a degree, it is also a vital time to grow closer to the Lord and an opportunity to take one step closer towards becoming the Emilee God has called me to be. I’ve realized this transition is impossible if I don’t stop and simply be still and let the Lord speak to my heart. I have to rid myself of distractions and keep my mind focused on Him as well as spend intentional time listening for His voice and reading His word. It is extremely easy to get caught up in the craziness of life, but by focusing on Him and seeking ways to bring glory to the One who deserve it all, I know that this time will be so much more rewarding and worthwhile.

“I Lift My Hands” by Chris Tomlin perfectly describes this desire to be still and surrender everything to the Lord in order to bring full glory and honor to Him.

College Life…
I think it’s safe to say that I have officially transitioned out of the “church camp” stage of college and am slowly but surely settling into the rhythm of this new life. With that comes the overwhelming sense of responsibility and stress. A few lessons I have learned in the short time I’ve been here:
  • I am a walking stop sign- “I’ve got the power.”
  • While cars follow the "pedestrians first" rule, they do not follow the "bikers first" rule...I saw a poor biker get hit by a car. I was ready to jump into "hero" mode if necessary but luckily, he was totally fine.
  • Showers are an exact science and are no longer a time for relaxation
  • Sleep is overrated
  • Yoga pants, sweatshirts, and ponytails are extremely fashionable…or at least extremely comfortable
  • College textbook reading is extremely boring, or as I like to say extremely snoring
  • Contrary to popular beliefs, naps are a girl’s best friend…not diamonds
  • Time moves at a freakish rate in the afternoon/evening
  •  Meal swipes are beautiful things
  • Walking all over creation in the rain is not something I thoroughly enjoy
  •  Getting a second wind in college is dangerous as there is no place to redirect my energy
  • Interpretative dancing and balancing on our bed frames are extremely entertaining and hilarious at 2:00 in the morning
  • Facebook chatting your roommate as you sit next to her is hilarious
  • Fire truck, police car, and ambulance sirens at all hours of the night make for a beautiful lullaby
  • Hearing UK’s fight song and spelling C-A-T-S each time we score a touchdown is quite exhilarating
First Football Game

This new stage of life has been one that has challenged me and blessed me in ways I didn’t know were possible. Recently I have been struggling trying to figure out what God is calling me to do with my life. I have such a love for people and find such joy in bringing others joy and pray that the Lord would lead me to a place where I could witness to and bring honor and glory to Him and further His kingdom. I know that by continuing to keep my eyes fixed on the Lord and keeping my heart open to where He leads me, I will eventually wind up exactly where He needs me.

I’ve also been struggling with a desire to no longer be “1 of 4,326.” I have already met many amazing and beautiful people and am thankful for the joy and encouragement they have already blessed me with but continue to pray that the Lord would continue to guide me and bless me with friends that would help me grow in my faith and as a person and who I could laugh with, talk to, and do life with. I’ve recently joined a “Shift Group” through CSF that just might be the answer to my prayers. After meeting only once, I am already certain that the Lord is going to work in tremendous ways in each of our hearts. It was absolutely beautiful to see a group of girls come together, each from different walks of life but all with a common love for the Lord and desire to grow closer to Him. We are studying the book of Mark and “King’s Cross” written by Tim Keller. After only reading the first chapter, I am already convinced that this book is going to teach me and help me grow in my faith. The first chapter was entitled “The Dance.” Tim Keller wrote about the beautiful and never-ending “dance” between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the invitation we have been blessed with to enter into the dance. Keller writes, “You are made to enter into a divine dance with the Trinity.” How powerful is that? When I imagine this dance, I picture a joyful little girl clinging onto her father’s leg as he effortlessly glides across the dance floor. I am that little girl, desperately clinging onto my Father’s leg as He guides my every movement and effortlessly leads me through the dance of life. I take great comfort in knowing that my Father guides my every step and has a beautifully orchestrated plan for my life.

I’ve said it before and will say it again- Southland Christian Church is amazing. Each week I walk away with a passion to know the Lord in a deeper and more meaningful way. The worship, preaching, and fellowship are simply amazing. Sunday was the start of a new sermon series entitled “Serial Dating.” I highly recommend watching the sermon, but here are a few of the points Jon Weece made that really resonated in my heart:
  • “Your present will someday be your past and your past will be present in your future” –Andy Stanley
  • It’s not about finding the right person, it’s about becoming the right person
  • Rather than focusing on finding “Mr. Right” we should be focusing on “becoming the person we are looking for is looking for.” –Andy Stanley
  • Do not give your heart to someone who has not given their heart to Jesus
  • Your dating relationship should not be the primary relationship in your life—your primary relationship should be your relationship with the Lord
  • Don’t date someone based on potential
  • Find someone who helps you become more like Christ
  • You have to know Jesus before you can recognize it in other people
  • 1 Corinthians 13 is a guide to love and provides us with practical ways to love others the way God has intended us to
  • True love is acceptance of all that is, has been, and will (or will not) be
  • Your past does not define your future
Check out the Sermon: Serial Dating

Serve the City…
The Lord calls us to go and be His hands and feet and share His love with those around us. Through CSF, I have the opportunity to go to low-income neighborhoods each Monday and build relationships, witness, talk to, and pray with the people there. My eyes have been opened to the overwhelming needs and struggles people in our own backyard face every day. It has been so humbling to hear their stories and see the pain, exhaustion, and desperation on their faces. My heart breaks for them and I desperately long to share the hope and grace the Lord offers. I am so excited to see how He works through us these next few months and pray that hearts would be forever changed.

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.” -1 Peter 4:8-11