Thursday, May 17, 2012

Where Has the Time Gone?

Where has freshmen year gone? I am seriously trying to wrap my mind around the fact that my freshmen year is almost over and I am not being very successful. There have been so many moments these last few days that I have stopped and thought, “There is no way! I just got here.” To my surprise however, I have been here for nine months and have grown in ways I didn’t know were possible. As I sit here typing this, surrounded by friends, I am absolutely overwhelmed by how far I have come and how faithful the Lord has been this year.

YOLO List…
Several weeks ago, as Lydia and I reflected on how quickly the end of the year was approaching, we came up with a YOLO List to ensure that we enjoyed our last few weeks of freshmen year as much as possible. Our list included:

-Dinner with some sweet friends:
The last few weeks of school were packed full of breakfast, lunch, and dinner dates with precious friends. I sure am going to miss my Lexington family!
-Take a random driving adventure through Lexington:
Lydia and I went driving one day and after choosing one main road, we chose which way to turn as we had to. We had such a blast driving through the boonies of Lexington and wound up driving through a winery and visiting Midway. Listening to music, driving aimlessly, talking to my sweet roomie, and enjoying God’s gorgeous creation…yup, it was a great day!

-Bake in the Don:
For Jeremy’s surprise birthday party, Lydia and I baked fo dayz and got a little carried away with our break-and-bake baking extravaganza.

-Sleep on the Balcony:
Oh yes, this little city girl spent the (whole) night outside on the balcony. On our second to last night in the dorm, we decided that it was as good a night as ever to camp out on the balcony. We hauled out our mattress pads, blankets, and pillows and made our little beds. Once outside, I began to wonder what in the world I was doing. The questions that went through my head were: 1. What happens when the sun rises and Emilee isn’t ready to rise? 2. What happens when the excessive ambulance sirens blare in the middle of the night? 3. I wonder if I’ll wake up dewey? 4. There could very possibly be bugs crawling all around me. 5. I have to prove to Lydia that I can sleep outside for a full night (haha). Good news, I made it through the night and slept surprisingly well. Another YOLO List mission complete- Boom!

-Dance Parties
Well, as with the rest of the year Lydia and I made it a point to have dance (our favorite was interpretive dancing) sessions. These sessions served as roomie bonding time and perfect study breaks. Yup, we’re cool.
-Yell the C-A-T-S cheer from the balcony as a tour group passed by:
-Yeah, we got some awesome and confused looks. We are anticipating a call from the welcoming committee any day now.
-Attend a baseball game:
This was a super fun night! It was awesome to enjoy a summer night with friends. Good times, good times.

-Take random adventures:
These last few weeks have been the most spontaneous and fun weeks I’ve ever had…so many late night, random adventures. And it’s been amazing!
-Roll down the Bowl outside of Willy T
Yeah, probably not the wisest decision I’ve ever made. I have scratches and a nice purple bruise on my cheek to prove this YOLO List completion.

Lessons Learned…
-Naps are God’s gift to college students
-The power of prayer is amazing (I already knew this, but it has been affirmed many times this year)
-Receiving letters in the mail has the ability to totally make a day
-Making friends is hard but totally worth it
-Having nightly sleepovers with one of your best friends is amazing
-Having an opportunity to worship and serve nearly every day of the week is so fulfilling and amazing
-Sleep is totally overrated…at night
-8AM classes are painful to wake up for
-Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter are much more appealing as soon as you start doing homework
-Deep conversations with your roomie at the wee hours of the night are the best conversations there are
-The library is for socializing purposes only
-Laughing solves everything in the moment
-Dorm internet has a sense of humor and loves playing pranks on you when you need it most
-iCal has been my best friend this year
-Spontaneous and random late night adventures are super fun- YOLO
-The human brain only has the ability to retain so much information before you start saying and doing ridiculous things, which you cannot be held responsible for
-Always have a spare toothbrush (incase you drop yours on the yucky community bathroom floor)
-Don’t be above wearing things twice…or more
-Worship music in other languages (Hillsong in Spanish) is the perfect solution to not being tempted to sing along when you want to listen to music while studying
-Interpretive dancing=roommate bonding time (and entertainment for all)
-Balancing on bedposts at all hours of the night is highly entertaining
-Don’t use real silverware or dishes for that matter, plastic is the way to go
-Dressed up in college is jeans and a "nice" shirt
-Yoga pants and a t-shirt are completely appropriate in almost all circumstances
-Forgetting your towel in your room and remembering after your shower is highly unfortunate
-Lip synching is hilarious and serves a double purpose of roomie bonding time
-Parking anywhere on campus is a nightmare
-Showers are often a battlefield of hairballs…shower shoes are 100% necessary
-Macaroni and Cheese is a balanced meal…grain and dairy!
-Creativity and being innovative are necessary and encouraged in the dorm room
-Watching people freak out during finals week is both sad and extremely entertaining
-Having a church home away from home is a ridiculous blessing
-People are amazing
-Flowers around campus are beautiful and highly distracting
-Wearing pajama pants to class is not only completely hilarious, it is quite comfortable...yup, I was that girl during finals week.

All kidding aside, I really am overwhelmed at how much I have grown this year and how incredibly faithful and gracious the Lord has been this year. So many times, Lydia and I have looked at each other and have said, “Gosh, it’s so awesome to have friends!” or “Can you believe how far we have come?” The Lord has put such incredibly special people in my life that have brought me such joy, have taught me so much about life, about God, and about myself, and have just made this year so memorable and amazing. I cannot imagine going through this year without my Lexington family and am so humbled that the Lord so beautifully orchestrated our paths to cross. As I sit here thinking back to the first few days of school, I am shaking my head at how much I have grown and how faithful the Lord has been. I remember crying myself to sleep nearly every night for the first several weeks, feeling so alone while being surrounded by thousands of people, so overwhelmed, and so homesick. Now I’m crying because I’m leaving the place that has been home to me for 9+ months, the place where I’m constantly surrounded by friends, where I get to serve and love on people, and where I am constantly being fed and encouraged in my faith. This has been one of the most challenging and best years of my life and I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for this SOPHOMORE Wildcat!

Sweet Lydia…
Goodness, I cannot imagine going through this year without my sweet roomie, Lydia. Our room was always filled with so much love, laughter, great conversations, encouragement, and a little schoolwork mixed in every now and then too. When I think back to how we became roommates I just giggle thinking of how present the Lord was in aligning our paths and hearts. I wish words could describe how thankful I am for Lydia. Some of my favorite memories from freshmen year have been in our dorm room and some of the most meaningful conversations I’ve had have been with sweet Lydia. She is such a beautiful woman of God who has such a sweet and gentle spirit and she lives such a purposeful life. She has taught me so much about myself, about life, and about the Lord. Yeah, I love her so much. I can’t wait for many more memories to come!

Last Freshmen Year Class

Look How Far We've Come! First Day and Last Day in the Dorm

Final Days Fo Dayz...
These last few days have been SO much fun! School work has been secondary to my social life (sorry Mom and Dad) and I have so enjoyed getting to enjoy the beautiful summer nights with sweet friends going on random adventures, stooping, laughing, talking, and just enjoying these sweet last few days. We also got to have a banquet for our sweet Woodhill families and absolutely loved getting to love on our sweet friends and share dinner with them, laugh, talk, play frisbee, and enjoy our time together. Life is so good. God is so good. I am so thankful.

We Love Our Sweet Girls

The Lord Works In Amazing Ways…
On our very last day of class, Lydia and I decided that we would use our “swipes on swipes on swipes” and “Flex fo dayz” to buy groceries for our Woodhill families. We went to the closest store and the shelves were completely bare. SO, that was a fail. We decided to get my car and drive to the next closest store and when we got there, there were no parking spots. Double fail. At this point, we were both super frustrated as we had 100 other things we needed to do before we could leave for the summer, but decided to try the last store and if we had problems, we would just forget about it. We drove up and found a parking spot right away, good start. We proceeded to go in and started raiding the shelves. After making quite a scene by piling literally everything we could get our hands on, the woman working behind the counter came over to ask what we were doing. This is the conversation that followed:

Tomika: “My word, y’all getting all your groceries before you go home?
Emilee: “No, actually we serve at a place called Woodhill and are getting some groceries for some of our sweet families since some of them don't have any food.”
Tomika: “Did you say Woodhill?
Emilee: “Yeah, it’s a neighborhood about 10 minutes away where we just go and love on some awesome people.”
Tomika: “I live there.”
Emilee: “Do you really? Yeah, we just heard about some families who don’t have any food so we just thought we’d buy some for them with our Flex Dollars.”
Tomika: “Yeah, I’m one of those people. I have a daughter who’s 7 months pregnant and I don’t have the money to buy us food.”
Emilee: “Well goodness, you pick out anything you want and we’ll buy it for you. Seriously, anything!”

So, after convincing her that we were serious, she started shopping and telling us about herself. When we were checking out, a boy behind me was waiting to buy some beef jerky so I had him go ahead of me since we would take a lot longer. When he checked out, he had over $200 left on his Flex Account. He kind of shrugged and told us it was too late since he was headed out of town right after he finished checking out. We explained to him what we were doing and told him we could use his money for our families if he was willing to let us use his money. He graciously agreed and we started shopping again. By the time we were finished we had spent over $500 on groceries and toiletries and a backpack full for Tomika. When we had finished checking out, I asked Tomika if there was anything we could pray for her about, not sure if she would want us to pray then or just keep her in our prayers. She reached her hands out (instant tears) and we were able to pray with her. After we finished praying, she came over and gave Lydia and I a hug and we said goodbye. We walked away so humbled that the Lord had allowed us the opportunity to meet Tomika and couldn’t wipe the smiles off of our faces as we thought about how evident the Lord had been in paving our way to Tomika. It was the perfect way to end our freshmen year, that’s for sure!

Well, this year has been amazing and I cannot wait for many more friendships and memories to come! One incredible year down, three to go.

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