Monday, June 25, 2012

Camp Courageous: Day 2

What a day this has been. In some ways I feel like it has lasted forever and a day and in others I feel like it went by quickly. The morning started off early...which was actually "sleeping in" for the week. Oh goodness, if you know me you know this is bad news bears. The Lord is absolutely going to have to provide strength each morning because I certainly will not have it on my own. This morning we had another medical meeting which went more in depth as to what illnesses we will be working with this week. I think they named off about 12 different illnesses the kids are diagnosed with ranging from sickle cell, to cancer, to asplenia (without a spleen), to a variety of blood disorders, epilepsy, ITP, etc. After our meeting, the volunteers went to the barn to learn how to lead a horse. Dang, those things are so strong. Ha! I signed a paper saying I was an official horse leader (some call me the horse whisperer) but we'll see how that goes. Ha! After hanging out with our new 4 legged friends, we headed back to the lodge and began meeting our campers.

My "den" is leading six girls ranging from 13-14 years old with a variety of illnesses. I was a little disappointed when I saw that I would be working with such old girls, however I quickly rebuked that by recognizing that this camp has been prayed over and I am exactly where the Lord needs me to be. This is also an awesome opportunity to get experience interacting with and loving on this age group, as I really have limited experience with older kids. After hanging with the girls for several hours and making bracelets, coloring pictures, talking, laughing, etc. we went to dinner, where we chanted cheer after cheer. Hugs and high-fives and cheers are big here. Ha! Kind of awkward when you have no clue what the cheers are, but I'm faking it til' I make it and am covering up my mistakes with a smile. Haha.

After dinner, we hung out as an entire lodge, learning more cheers (my current favorite is "jump, shake your rompus, jump jump, shake your rompus...hilarious), played some ice breakers, and hung out until we walked over to the camp fire. At the camp fire we guessed it, more cheers and campfire songs. Ooh yeah. We came back, got the girls ready for bed, and then headed to another medical meeting for more detailed descriptions for each girls diagnosis. Our girls are precious and all opted for a hug over a high-five kind of girls. Haha. I am super excited to see how my relationships with them grow and can't wait to see them experience all of the fun they have in store for them! In all honesty, this is harder than I expected it to be and I am already completely emotionally and physically wiped out. Goodness. I know that this is an awesome opportunity to rely on the Lord like I never have before and get my strength, enthusiasm, patience, and love from the Ultimate source. He is already showing me how to love and serve more unconditionally and is certainly allowing me to go outside of my comfort zone to grow and learn to be and act more like Him.  Oh I am so drained and am so happy to be laying in my bed. My alarm is set for 6:30 so that ought to be interesting. Haha. While this experience is certainly stretching me and making me quite uncomfortable, I am really thankful to be here and am blessed to have the opportunity to grow, learn, and ultimately love on these sweet kids in a way that reflects the Lord and gives Him glory. Keep the prayers coming, I feel them and appreciate them so much!

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