Friday, July 6, 2018

New Life and Near Death

Dear Levi, 
You, dear child, have been prayed for and dreamed of for years. It has always been one of the greatest desires of my heart to be a Momma and being yours has brought me immeasurable joy these last six weeks. Everyone warned us not to blink, but our sleep-deprived eyes must have failed us because somehow you are already a month and a half old. Part of me is sad that you’ve already grown so much, while the other part rejoices that you are healthy enough to grow. Sweet boy, your Daddy and I cannot get enough of you. We are absolutely in awe of all that you do and delight in every facial expression, sound, and movement you make. It’s been nearly impossible to get anything done because you are so distractingly cute and we would much rather stare at you than do anything else. I often tear up just looking at you because I am so overwhelmed by the reality that you are ours. Baby, we prayed for you long before we knew you and continue to pray that you will grow up to be a man of God, who loves others and points them to Jesus. We love that you are so unaware of the ugliness of this world, but pray that in time, you will be a part of making it more beautiful in the way that you love God and love others. We love you more than we ever knew was possible and are so grateful that we get to be the ones to love you! It is scary and humbling to be your Mom and Dad because we know we will fail, but we pray daily for the Lord’s leading and that He would fill in all the places that we fail. These last six weeks have forever changed us and have brought us a new understanding of God’s immeasurable love for us. You are a beautiful creation that was perfectly knit together by God and we are in awe of the masterpiece He created when He made you.
Here are some things I always want to remember about your first 6 weeks…
-You love “flying time” with Daddy
-When you look up, your forehead wrinkles and you look like the cutest old man baby there ever was.
-Your favorite sleeping position is on Mommy’s chest
-You are the noisiest baby and make the CUTEST sounds
-When you sneeze, you throw your arms above your head and it’s awesome!
-You do not like being swaddled and love to sleep with your arms over your head
-You love riding in the car
-Your yawns are ginormous and last a good 5 seconds
-I kiss the top of your head and/or your cheeks at least a hundred times a day because I just can’t resist your preciousness
-You are a gassy little guy and have “Man-Sized” toots that make us laugh
-Right before you fall asleep, you give the sweetest little grin
-We call you "Buddy" as much or more than Levi
-When you're "in trouble," Daddy calls you Leviticus 
-The first time we gave you a binky, you held it and we decided in that moment you were a genius baby. Ha!
-We comment on how cute you are at least 50 times a exaggeration
-Right before you eat, Daddy often asks if you're ready to go to The Golden Corral
-When you are crying for seemingly no reason, Daddy often says, "Quit being a baby, baby."

A Few of Your Firsts…
-First car ride: Coming home from the hospital on May 27th
-First Doctor’s Visit: Dr. Hsu on May 30th
-First Time at Church and First Holiday: Father’s Day on June 17th
-First Road-Trip: To Hanny and Poppy’s House on June 22nd
-First Fun Family Outing: Central Park on June 5th 
-First Bath: June 19th
-First Grocery Store Trip: Kroger on July 3rd

In preparation for you, we worked and worked on your nursery...or as Daddy calls it, your palace. Your nursery is by far the best room in the house and was put together with so much love. Daddy worked so hard assembling your furniture and taping the strips on the wall, while I casted my vision for your room and helped paint. I love that nearly every piece of artwork was created by someone who loves you. Your name sign was made by Taproot and Co, your sign above the changing table was made by by Sarah Estey a super talented friend and coworker of mine, your elephant painting was made by Torie DiMartile one of my best friends, your block letters were made by our "relative" Josh Brown, and Hanny had your Levi Elephant sign made. You were loved by SO many people before you were even born, baby. 

You decided to come 12 days early and we are so grateful for our bonus time with you! I want to document your arrival, but know my words will fail to express how surreal and beautiful your birth was. Levi, we delight in you and treasure you. We thank God every single day that we get to be your parents!


New Life…
A very (9 month) long story short, we found out I was pregnant on September 27th, my 25th birthday. We were ecstatic and overwhelmed with gratitude that we were able to get pregnant and prayed from that day on for our sweet baby. I had a really healthy pregnancy (minus being sick the month of October and a parvo-virus scare) and felt great right up until the day Levi was born. It was so amazing and absolutely humbling to have the opportunity to grow this precious baby that would be ours. We had the best time telling people we were pregnant and managed to capture most of our family and friends reactions on camera. We will always treasure their reactions. I told Darin multiple times throughout my pregnancy that I wished he could experience being pregnant...but I think he was grateful he didn't have to. Ha! We often marveled at God's design of new life and loved getting to feel him wiggle around. Levi LOVED to move, especially at night, when his Daddy got up to preach, and when music was played. I really loved being pregnant and am so grateful to have had the privilege of carrying our precious boy.
Photo by the talented, Dana Dirkes Photography
Photo by Sarah Keenan Photography, Outer Banks, NC
Now skipping ahead 38 weeks...
We went to the doctor for our weekly appointment on Wednesday, May 23rd. The doctor was surprised by my progress (4cm and 80% effaced) and told us she would be surprised if she saw us back the following week. During our “Final Dinner as a Family of Two” that night at our favorite restaurant, (Sotto) I started having inconsistent and mild contractions, but was absolutely determined to go to school the next day and treat it like it was my last day with my kids (a day short of the actual last day). 
I slept pretty restlessly Wednesday night, but woke up on Thursday full of determination…and my contraction app close by. Ha! That morning I told my kids that the doctor had told us that Levi could come anytime, so I wanted to make “Last Day of School Memories” a day early, just in case. Throughout the day, my contractions got more consistent and more intense, but after making it through half the day, I knew I could finish the day strong(ish). One of my favorite New Haven traditions is the talent show held on the second to last day of school. At the end of the talent show, each grade level team performs for about 30 seconds and the kids absolutely love it. Our team had decided to do a spoof on the popular “Floss Dance,” so I danced my little heart out...unbeknownst to me, just 10 hours before Levi arrived.
In the weeks leading up to having Levi, every time I would call Darin he would answer with "Is it time?" When I called Darin that afternoon to tell him it WAS time...he didn't pick up. How hilarious is that? After school, I came home and Darin and I laid in bed and kept track of contractions, which were consistently coming every 4-6 minutes. After rush hour had passed, we decided to leisurely make our way toward the hospital…only after stopping at McDonalds for one last meal. Ha! When we got to the hospital, we sat in the car for a few minutes as we anticipated all that was to come. Darin prayed for us and then we headed to triage to make sure it really was “go-time.” After telling the front-desk nurses, "Um...I think I'm in labor" after they asked how they could help us and getting checked out, they admitted me at 5cm and told us that on average, we could expect it to take an hour per centimeter. After getting settled and talking to our nurse who told me to get my epidural "when I was tired of being in pain," I decided to go ahead and ask for it after enduring a few more contractions, which were coming every 2-3 minutes. While we waited for the nurse anesthetist to arrive, I paced the room, knowing I wouldn’t be able to walk once I got the epidural. As I was pacing, a contraction hit and I instinctively squatted down next to the bed….and my water broke...everywhere. 😂 Darin laughed and said it was like the American side of the Niagara Falls and looked for an excuse to say “amniotic fluid” about a hundred times after that. TMI. Ha!  After my water broke, the contractions got a lot more painful. That was the roughest stretch of labor by far and was the only time I cried in pain, as I had a serious contraction while getting the epidural. Not cool. My nurse was amazing and literally held my face in her hands and encouraged me through the contraction, as Darin was required to sit in a chair directly across from me while I got the epidural...apparently there have been so many Dad's pass out watching the epidural happen that they are required to sit in a place that they can't see anything. Ha!
Pacing the Room Pre-"Niagara Falls" and Pre-Epidural
Once I got the epidural, I was much more comfortable and was able to visit with Rachel and Jeremy while we waited for Mom and Dad to get to the hospital and for me to continue to make progress. 

Last picture as the "Fab 6"

Less than an hour after the epidural (around 11pm), the nurse checked me and told us I was already at 10cm. (!!!!) She left to call the doctor and we savored our last few minutes as a family of two.

At midnight, Dr. Wurzbacher arrived and before even greeting us, asked us how competitive we were. She said she had delivered a baby early that day in 31 minutes and wanted to know if we thought we could beat it. We had been told that with the first baby especially, the average “pushing” time was 1-3 hours, so we laughed, but really didn’t think anything of the “competition.” At 12:06am I started pushing and at 12:20, Levi made his grand entrance. Needless to say, we WON. Ha! Although it was only 14 minutes (I know I’m getting eye rolls from all you Momma’s out there), it was such a surreal experience, physically and spiritually. Darin was an absolute rockstar and cheered me on through each contraction. He seriously was/is the sweetest encourager and I'm so thankful for the gift of doing this life with him. At 12:20am, we met our precious 6.13 pound, 19.2 inch son and our lives and hearts were forever changed. I remember saying soon after his birth, "It doesn't feel like he's mine yet, so I don't feel like I'm biased yet, but he's a really cute baby." Ha! Two fun facts: 1. Levi and his Papa Paul (Darin's Dad) are Birthday Buddies, 68 years apart and 2. 12:20 was the time of our wedding 3.5 years ago. We had an hour of “Kangaroo Care” after he was born and tried during that time to process the reality that he was ours. I am STILL processing that reality because it feels too good to be true!
Darin's reaction when he found out we had "won" the competition 😂
Praying over our precious boy.

Daddy's first time holding Levi.
Oh my heart. 😍

After spending that first hour (plus) with him, we got to introduce Levi to his Hanny, Poppy, and Auntie Rae and then soon after, his Nana (who had driven through the night to meet him). 

First picture as a Family of 7...minus Jeremy

Celebrating Levi's ACTUAL birthday.

We barely slept that night because we couldn’t stop looking at our precious boy. After praying for this baby for 9 months, asking the Lord to protect him and form him perfectly, it was absolutely humbling and overwhelming to see that God had answered our prayers by creating him so perfectly, down to his tiniest fingernail. We were and are in awe of His goodness. Thank you, Jesus for choosing us to be Levi’s parents. We pray daily that you would lead us as we raise him and that you would fill in all the places we fail to reflect your love and mercy.
These are merely the facts of his birth as my words fail to adequately describe the depth of emotion we felt and the spiritual journey we walked through as we welcomed Levi into our family. We are humbled. We are grateful. We are forever changed because of this precious baby boy.

Near Death…
My stomach hurts as I type these words, but I always want to remember this story and the way it forever changed me. Six days after Levi’s birth, I was feeling great and decided to go to a funeral visitation of one of my dear friends’ mom. On my way home, just minutes from our neighborhood entrance, a teenage girl crossed the middle line after losing control and hit my car. I saw that she had lost control prior to hitting me and remember being so confused at what I was seeing…I remember thinking, “A car isn’t supposed to swerve like that.” I had the sense to veer away from her and thought I had missed her when I felt the impact. She hit my side so hard that my car rolled. In that moment, I remember saying, “No, no, no” over and over again. All I could think of were Darin and Levi at home and how much I didn’t want to leave them…of how our life as a family of three had just begun. Based on the lack of damage to the top of my car, I know that I rolled quickly, but it felt like an eternity.  I landed right side up and my first instinct was to call Darin using the car’s phone, since the contents of my purse had been scattered in the roll. I realize now that I did things backwards and should have called 911 first, but I needed to hear his voice. In hindsight I realize I was in shock, but I very calmly told him I was okay, but that I had been in an accident and needed him to come. As traumatic as the accident was for me, it was just as traumatic, if not more for him. He told me after the fact how awful it was that as he got in his car, he heard sirens and knew they were for me. Levi’s car seat was in my car, so Darin had to lay our little 6-day-old baby across his lap to get to me. The visual of him getting out of his car with Levi still brings me tears. By the time he arrived (literally just minutes after the accident), I had already climbed through the passenger window with the help of the kindest man. I desperately wish I knew his name so that I could thank him for his kindness and still hope to miraculously run into him at the grocery store one day. He was there IMMEDIATELY and just hugged me as I cried. The ambulance and police arrived immediately and started assessing my injuries, which was only a bruised collarbone. That’s it. I absolutely believe God would have been with me even if things hadn’t turned out the way they had, but I am convinced that His hand of protection was over me that afternoon. The EMT, police officer, and emergency room doctors all commented on how lucky I was. My life was graciously spared by God. There is no other explanation for it. 
Because of the severity of the accident, the EMT recommended we go to University Hospital even though I had no signs of serious injury. I went via ambulance, while Darin transferred the car seat and drove to meet us. During the ride to the hospital, I couldn’t stop crying because I was just so grateful. So grateful that what should have been, wasn’t. So grateful that Levi and Darin weren’t with me, so grateful that I was alive, so grateful that I wasn’t hurt. SO. INCREDIBLY. GRATEFUL. When I got to the hospital a poor nurse was trying to make small talk and asked about Levi and Darin…and I lost it all over again. The two of them were an emotional trigger. An hour and a half after the accident, Darin got to the hospital (thanks to crazy traffic) and we sat together in the emergency room completely overcome with emotion. I held Levi (who was completely unaware of the trauma of the day, praise the Lord) and wouldn’t let go of Darin’s hand. We both cried and battled to not live in the “what-ifs and what could have beens.” I still can’t let my mind go there and have had to practice “taking every thought captive” more than ever before. After spending several hours at the hospital and having multiple CT scans, I was released with only a bruised collarbone and pretty substantial hearing loss in my left ear. My collarbone has since healed, leaving a faint scar to remind me of the day and my hearing has greatly improved. I still notice hearing loss when I’m out in public with ambient noise, but it’s a whole lot better than it was and for that I am grateful. I am still healing from the mental and emotional trauma of the accident and pray every single time I drive past the accident site. The first few days I cried all day long as the shock wore off and the reality of the accident set in. Darin took an additional week off of work, which was healing for both of us. I kept my boys within eyesight that whole week and thanked God over and over again for the gift of life.

When I think about the accident, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Not for the accident of course, but for the way it changed me. Four days after Levi was born, I remember being really emotional (primarily from sleep deprivation) and feeling grateful, but also missing our “old life” and being overwhelmed that our lives would never be the same. Since the accident, I have savored every single moment of our little man. I went from having moments of “have to” to living in a constant state of “get to.” I GET to feed him. I GET to change his diaper. I GET to hear his cries. I GET to be the one to love him. The accident made me a better mom, a better wife, a better daughter and sister, and a better friend. When your life flashes before your eyes, your perspective on life is forever changed. I thought I was grateful before the accident for the good gifts the Lord has given me, but now I treasure each of those gifts a little more and don’t take any of them for granted. While I would have written the first week of Levi’s life differently, I am forever grateful for the way the accident stripped away some of my selfishness and gave me an appreciation for life I had previously taken for granted.
Our dear friend and amazing photographer, Meagan White was so sweet to edit away my seatbelt cut from Levi's newborn photos, but I'm also thankful for the photos that capture it.
In one week's time, we experienced new life and near death and our lives will never be the same because of it.

All professional Delivery and Newborn photos taken by the amazing Meagan White with