Oh the Joys of Community Bathrooms…
When I say this, those of you who have had the privilege of experiencing the wonders of community bathrooms, probably shudder at the memories that still haunt you. Okay, that may be just a bit dramatic but I have had to once again get used to wearing flip-flops, carrying a shower caddy, and strategically planning when to best go to the bathroom and shower. On my second night back from winter break, I decided to take a shower…always an adventure. I got into the shower stall, strategically placed my towel, robe, and shower caddy on the hooks and turned the water on. I turned the handle completely to the left and was pelted with freezing water and a pathetic trickle of water. SO, I decided to move to the stall on my left and try again. I slid my shampoo and soap under the stall, wrapped my towel around me, and jumped to the next stall. I turned the handle again, only to feel a cold mist soak my already freezing self. After already transferring showers once, I just decided to deal with it and shower as quickly as possible. As I rushed, I bent down to get my shampoo and knocked my head on the faucet to the point that a nice bruise formed and was sore to the touch several days after. Needless to say, I miss my bathroom at home. Ha!
Right Place at the Wrong Time…
On the first day of classes, I started off my day with my sweet roommate in Statistics (at 8:00 in the morning, I might add), then went to Dance, and then went on to meet Lydia for our Communication class. We had decided that we would wait for one another in the lobby of the building and walk up together to ensure seats next to each other. As the time continued to pass by and there was still no sign of Lydia, I began texting her trying to figure out where she was. When only five minutes remained before class began and Lydia was still nowhere to be found, I decided to go on to class and save her a seat. After finding a seat and saving one for Lydia, I texted her letting her know where I was. Soon after I texted her, the professor walked in- a middle aged man. I was slightly confused because I thought I had a woman as a teacher. Several more minutes passed and as he began to take roll, I decided to check my schedule to see where I would be headed next. As I was looking at my schedule, I realized that I was in the right classroom at the wrong time…I had come an hour too soon. I gathered my things quickly and walked out of the classroom. Once outside, I put my coat on and to my dismay, realized that I had left my umbrella in the classroom. So, I walked into the classroom once again, grabbed my umbrella, and in the process hit someone with my backpack, and quickly walked out trying to stifle my laughter. I texted Lydia telling her to disregard my previous messages and that I would see her in an hour. Needless to say, we both laughed hysterically at my expense.
The Downward Dog…
This semester, Lydia, our sweet friend Katelynn, and our precious RA Lesley, and I have decided to make working out a priority. While this is easier said than done, as sleeping is of a much higher priority than working out (ha!), we decided to write out and sign a contract stating that we would hold each other accountable to working out at least twice a week and would encourage each other to live healthier lifestyles. Sounds good on paper, right? Well, our working out adventures began last Wednesday and turned out to be quite the experience. We began by doing a quick warm-up on the elliptical and then decided to stretch before moving on. After realizing that all of the mats were being used, we decided to use one of the classrooms to stretch before a class began. Soon after we began stretching, the instructor for the class walked in and asked if we were going to be participating in his class. We all responded with no, to which he disappointingly said, “Wow, this class really shrunk from last week.” Well after he said that, we all felt too bad to leave so we decided that we would stay and participate. We asked him what the class was and he told us that it was a Yoga and Ab Ripper class and instructed us to get yoga mats and take our shoes off. Being the “Yoga-Noobies” that we are, we had no idea what we had gotten ourselves into. As he began, I quickly realized how ill equipped I was for the class- first of all, I had shorts on…yoga PANTS are worn during yoga for a reason (turns out there is a lot of leg lifting and lounging in yoga…who knew?) and secondly, I quickly realized how unnatural I looked as I attempted to imitate the instructor. Multiple times I had to choke down laughter as I caught a glimpse of my precious friends or myself in the mirror, struggling to match the poses. Needless to say, we were a sight for sore eyes. About twenty minutes into the class, the instructor led us through a sequence of poses and finished by standing on one leg with the other pointing out. Doesn’t sound too hard, right? Well, as I attempted to balance, my knee began shaking and I started laughing as I saw my red face and unbalanced self and I fell out of the pose. After everyone else came out of the pose, the instructor said to the class, “Okay, everyone move on and do the other side…except you (insert finger point in my direction).” Seriously? So, I had to do the pose again (and this time really stop myself from laughing) and thankfully managed to balance long enough to appease him. After that incident I did everything with extra effort because didn’t want to get called out again…until he led us through the most awkward and hilarious pose I have ever seen. I failed at it miserably during the class, but attempted it again in the dorm room afterwards and managed to semi-successfully do it.
After making it through an hour of torture, we walked out of the classroom and headed back to the dorm. The next day, I woke up feeling completely paralyzed and sore…I was certainly made aware of the muscles I had worked the previous day. Walking, laughing, and breathing all resulted in serious pain. Let’s just say…it’ll be a while until I attempt a “Yoga and Ab Ripper” class again. We should have known after no one returned from the previous week…lesson learned.
Star Struck…
On Friday, Rachel, Lydia, and I went to cheer some of our precious friends at the gymnastics competition. While looking for a seat, Lydia realized that Anthony Davis was standing directly in front of us. Naturally, we decided that a picture would be necessary as “Uni” is one of our favorite players on UK’s Basketball team. Rachel and I both were insistent that we needed a picture, while sweet Lydia was more hesitant knowing that it must get old for the “local celebrities” to be constantly bothered. While she is absolutely right, we still wanted a picture. Rachel and I began daring each other to ask him for a picture and Rachel’s big sister manipulation won me over. I walked up to him, tapped him on his elbow (because that was the highest I could reach seeing as he is more than a foot and a half taller than me) and said in my squeaky voice, “Hey Anthony, can we have a picture with you?” He nodded in agreement and turned to take a picture. However, before he posed, his girlfriend or sister (not sure which) primped his unibrow…classic! We smiled, thanked him, and walked away giddily laughing at our success. Brow Down, my friends.
Well, this is just a little glimpse into the "aDORKable life of Emilee Hancock. Keeps me humble and keeps me laughing. Hopefully these stories brightened your day and made you smile.
“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”