Monday, December 19, 2011

Time Flies When You're Loving Life

So. Close. To. Christmas…
Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year! The anticipation of going home in just a few short days is all that is motivating me these last few days. While studying for exams has been a whole new experience (one that I don’t look forward to experiencing 7 more times, Ha!) there have been some fun Christmas moments along the way. This past week at Synergy we got to wear our Tacky Sweaters (or turtlenecks) and worship, learn, and laugh with sweet friends! Lydia and I, being the freshman that we are, didn’t know how tacky everyone would look and decided to go big or go home. Let’s just say…we were one of the select few that really took tacky to heart. While there were some funny sweatshirts and sweaters, we know that all that saw our Santa boxers secretly envied them. We are so cool…not! We also decided that our humble abode needed some decorating, so being the poor college students that we are, we scrounged up some money and bought a precious (and ridiculously tacky) Christmas tree, which we decorated proudly. Oh the joys of dorm living! 

Rocking the Turtlenecks...

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

We also got to be apart of Southland's 316 Food Packaging for Haiti which was AMAZING! After several days of packing, 1,000,048 meals were packed which will serve 3,000 children in Haiti for an entire year. What an incredibly humbling experience this was. As I sealed each package, I prayed for the sweet child that would receive the meal and I longed to tell them that despite the trials they face on this earth, they have a Father who loves them and offers hope beyond this broken world. It was a beautiful reminder that as a body of Christ, we have the ability and responsibility to help those in need around the world. 

Rocking the Hair Nets

3,000 Children Fed for One Year
1,000,000 Meals Packed
6,000 Volunteers

"For God SO loves the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."-John 3:16

I Survived…
Once upon a time, there lived a girl who traveled far far away (well…not really) from home to attend college. This girl had no idea what was in store for her-she was scared, alone, and felt completely mentally and emotionally unprepared for all that was to come. She cried herself to sleep many nights and wondered what she had gotten herself into. She relied heavily on the Lord’s comfort and prayed for opportunities to grow, learn, and laugh. Then along came sweet friends who she was able to share laughter with and create memories with and she no longer felt so alone. This girl has learned a lot and has a lot to learn. She lives for the one true Prince Charming in her life. She is in awe of the blessings in her life and is humbled by her Savior’s love. As she turns the page of this first chapter, she anxiously awaits to see what He will write in the pages to come. And she lives joyfully ever after…

Wow. I cannot believe that I am officially a second semester freshman. Time has flown by! Goodness, when I look back on the pictures from the first week of school and read my first blog post, my heart aches thinking about the fear and loneliness I felt those first few weeks of school. It is amazing to see how much the Lord has worked in my heart these past few months. I have been so blessed to have the amazing support, encouragement, and most importantly prayers from the people in my life that mean the world to me. It has been so humbling (and amazing) to have to rely fully on the Lord for His comfort and peace and to trust that my frustration and heartache would work together for His glory and His good. My heart has been transformed already and I am so excited to see how He continues to mold me into the woman He has created me to be.

As I wrap up the semester, I thought I would take a moment to write out some of the highlights of the semester and the lessons I’ve learned. These lists are far from all-inclusive as my brain is currently fried from studying for finals all week. Ha!

Highlights of the Semester:
CSF in general- specifically Synergy and Fall Retreat
Southland- specifically 608, Jesus Prom, and Meal Packing for Haiti
The countless opportunities I’ve had to grow in my faith and become the woman the Lord has called me to be- through fellowship, reflecting, praying, and learning
Celebrating my birthday with mom and dad in Lexington
Being reminded of how incredible of a support system I have back home
Thursday lunches with Rachel
Late night conversations with Lydia
Monday night's at Woodhill
Discovering the joy of blogging
Interpretative dancing and balancing on the bedposts
Family Weekend
All of the hilarious moments I’ve experienced

Lessons Learned:
God is SO faithful and works in amazing ways
My life is not my own
Prayer is powerful
God has an incredible way of using imperfect people to accomplish amazing things
Joy is not circumstantial
Late night meaningful conversations trump sleep any day
Taking time to reflect and relax is crucial
Letting people help you doesn’t mean you fail, it just means you’re not in it alone
I have been reminded that little acts of kindness go a long way
Laughter really is the shortest distance between people
There are broken and hurting people that surround me daily who I have the responsibility and honor to love and show grace and kindness towards

(Now for some silly ones…)

Awkward is the new awesome
I am now a semi-proficient Starbucks orderer
It’s best to set two alarms in the morning…especially when you have an 8AM class
Dancing and singing are awesome stress relievers
Shoes and bathrooms are a combination that should never have to go together
Facebook and Twitter are much more entertaining than doing homework
Jeans and a sweater=really dressing up…yoga pants and a sweatshirt= daily attire
Naps are a beautiful thing
Rainy days result in pure entertainment-bubble umbrella= game changer
Sleeping trumps getting ready any day…I’ve gotten my time down to 8 minutes from start to finish
Laundry is optional
Fire alarms without fail go off at the most inconvenient times
After hours of studying, you cannot be held responsible for the bizarre comments that spew out of your mouth
Receiving a letter in the mail makes any day brighter

Gosh, there are SO many fun experiences and lessons I’ve learned this year. I could go on and on but the statement that sums up both my favorite moments and the lessons I’ve learned is this- God is good.

As this semester comes to a close, I am relieved that I survived, thankful for the blessings the Lord has showered over me, and excited to see what else He has in store for me. My goal for next semester: Keep learning, growing, loving, and laughing. 

Monday, December 5, 2011


Random Reflections…
I often feel closest to the Lord when I am outside enjoying and reflecting on all that He has so masterfully created. It absolutely blows my mind to think about how extraordinarily creative our God is and humbles me to think that while He made the Heavens and the Earth, He also created me and loves me far more than my mind can fathom. Wow. What an unbelievable honor. Several weeks ago, Lydia and I were lying outside just enjoying the perfectly blue sky and warm sunshine. After several minutes of blocking the sun with my hand, I put it down and was blinded by the radiant light. After wiping away the tears that immediately ran down my face, we started talking about how crazy it was that while we see the sun every day, we can never look directly at it.

That conversation got me thinking about Jesus, the SON of God. After marveling at the Lord’s creativity, I realized how many parallels the physical sun and the Son of God had:

-Like the radiant light the sun emits, we cannot look directly into His eyes, but we see proof of Him everywhere.

-Like the rays of the sun, His arms were outstretched upon the cross to signify His unwavering and incomprehensible love for us and they remain open for us to run into His loving embrace.

“Forever Reign” captures this thought perfectly:

Oh, I'm running to your arms,
I'm running to arms
The riches of your love
Will always be enough
Nothing compares to Your embrace
Light of the world forever reign

-The sun shines all around the world and the SON shines all around the world. The sun’s rays reach to the ends of the earth, just like His love, hope, and grace does.

-Without the sun, it would be impossible for any living creature to remain alive. Likewise, we are incapable of living purposeful and joyful lives of hope that there is more than this earthly life of pain, disappointment, and sin without the Son of God.

While thinking about the sun, I then began thinking about the stars in the sky. It blows my mind every time I sing the line, “You placed the stars in the sky and you them by name, You are amazing God” in Chris Tomlin’s song Indescribable. While the sun I think symbolizes Jesus, I think the stars symbolize us, His children.

-As the stars are a scaled down version of the sun, we are in essence a scaled down version of Jesus. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” And in Isaiah 43:7, “Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”

-As Isaiah 40:26, says “Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry hose one by one, and calls each by name. Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.” And in Psalm 147:4, “He determines the number of stars and calls them each by name.” God knows the name of every stay in the sky. Likewise, He knows every one of His children by name. Isaiah 43:1 states, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” John 10:14-15 states, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me- just as the Father knows me and I know the Father – and I lay down my life for the sheep.”

-As stars twinkle and shine in the dark night sky, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to be shining lights in a dark world. Matthew 5:14-16 states, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

The song, We Are captures the thought of our responsibility to shine for the Lord and be a source of light for those around us...

While these are not earth-shattering realizations and some may be farfetched, I had to smile thinking of how incredibly amazing our God is and how thankful I am for the daily reminders of How present He is and how much He loves us. The sun and the stars are so incomprehensibly big, yet God loves little us SO much more. Wow. Goodness, can I just say again how creative of a God we have the opportunity to serve and love and be loved by? Blessed.

Family + Friends + Broadway Show = Perfect Night. A few weekends ago, Rach and I were given an early Christmas surprise…tickets to see Wicked with our family and our second family, the Buck’s. After a wonderful morning of church, friends, and fellowship, we got all dressed up and ventured downtown. We ate at a lovely Italian restaurant and enjoyed laughing and talking and then walked over (huddled around umbrellas) to the Aronoff. After taking some family pictures, we found our seats and enjoyed the most spectacular show I’ve ever seen. Wow-the amount of talent that those men and women displayed was absolutely beautiful. I couldn’t help but thank God for blessing those men and women with such an incredible talent and allowing them to share their voices with us. I got teary eyed as Elphaba sang Defying Gravity as it was such a defining and empowering moment and during For Good as a I reflected on all of the people who “I have been changed for good” by. Definitely an awesome time spent with the incredible people in my life and wonderful memories made. So blessed and so thankful.

God Is Able
It’s not often that you get to worship alongside several thousand brothers and sisters in Christ and sing in complete abandon to the Lord. I had the opportunity to go to the Hillsong Concert with Rachel (and several thousand others) and take part in a beautiful worship experience. The title song of Hillsong’s latest CD is God Is Able. The lyrics of this song are so powerful. How comforting it is to know that above all circumstances, God is able. He is able to restore us from darkness, to set us free, to love us despite our failure, to soften hardened hearts, to heal the broken, to pick us up when we fall, to do extraordinary things through ordinary people, to give us life everlasting, and so much more. What a relief it is to know that our God is able because we are not.

Thousands of Things to Be Thankful For…
At church last Sunday, Mike Breaux encouraged us to sit down and let our minds wander as we wrote down what we were thankful for, so I’m going to do just that. This list is not all inclusive by a long shot as I truly have thousands of things to be thankful for, but here we go-

I am thankful for a God who loves me more than my mind can fathom and who I have the opportunity to serve and live for. I’m thankful for my family, who loves, encourages, teaches, guides, and provides for me. I'm thankful for my faux family members, who are family. I’m thankful for my friends who bring so much joy into my life. I’m thankful for the good health the Lord has so graciously blessed my family and I with. I’m thankful for the ability to attend two amazing churches and for such an incredible church family. I’m thankful for…the Bible, freedom, the ability to go to college, CSF, love, joy, babies, laughter, comfy clothes, music, smiling, corny jokes, flowers, stars, sunny days, a comfy bed, singing, creativity, imagination, dreams, books, tumbling, lazy days, sleeping, Passion, my iPhone, the ocean, the sun, fluffy clouds, the smell of freshly cut grass, sunsets, sweet tea, summer, classic Disney movies, hope, grace, tumbling, handwritten letters, electricity, heat, silence, different languages, unique talents and abilities, fingernail polish, kids, food, clean water, chivalry, clumsy moments, medicine, the internet, indoor plumbing, simple acts of kindness, pictures, vacations, colors, memories, cozy blankets, Christmas decorations, non-communal bathrooms, my puppy dogs, naps, umbrellas, holidays…

Okay, after reading that you can tell how scatterbrained I currently am. There are so many things that I have left off, but as you can see, there is SO much to be thankful for. I am often brought to tears thinking of how beautifully blessed I am. I am so undeserving of the blessings the Lord so graciously pours over me and am humbled by His generosity. Being able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family was so wonderful. Always so much laughter, great conversation, and love. Nothing better than family, food, and fun.

Over the break, we were reunited with some precious friends of ours and were able to get caught up on how the Lord is working in each of our lives and encourage one another. Finally sitting around the dinner table together laughing and fellowshipping made it seem like all was right with the world. It was a really unique opportunity to reflect on this first semester of college with the younger siblings and share funny experiences and lessons learned. These brothers and sisters that I have been so graciously blessed with have helped me grow in immeasurable ways and continue to help shape me into the person the Lord has created me to be. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 fits this group perfectly, except I need to revise it to- “Ten are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor; if any of them falls down, the others can help the one up…” These sweet friends are the brothers and sisters I never knew I was missing until I was reunited with them.

Healing Is In Your Hands…
This past week my Nanny and Pappy were both admitted into the hospital. Nanny and Pappy are two of the most incredible people I’ve ever had the honor of knowing. They have blessed my life in immeasurable ways and have always poured love, encouragement, wisdom, and laughter into my life. It absolutely broke my heart to not be able be physically with them in spirit. The Lord probably got tired of my constant prayers for healing and strength for Nanny and Pappy and wisdom and clarity for their doctors. Again, I turned to the song “Healing Is In Your Hands” by Christy Nockels and cried as I sang along. This song is such a beautiful reminder that God is the ultimate healer and that despite all circumstances, He is in control. After several days in the hospital, Pappy is back home resting and recovering and Nanny will join him soon. Praise the Lord! This scare was a great reminder of how precious life is and more importantly, how precious the people in my life are. At the end of every conversation I have with either of them we say, “I love you the most.” And the other says, “Fraid’ not deary.” What a tremendous blessing it is to have to argue over who loves the other the most. Crazy blessed and crazy thankful.

I Think I Can, I Think I Can…
Goodness, this next week and a half is going to be unbelievably stressful and busy. The end of the semester is quickly coming to an end and there is still so much to get done. My calendar is officially busting at the seams and is quite daunting to look at. I While this time is going to be stressful and long days and late nights are inevitable, I am going to keep my eyes fixed on the Lord and do what 1 Peter 5:7 tells me to do, “Cast your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” It’s that simple. Sleep some, pray a lot, study and work hard, live and love a lot, and end each day happy that I’m one day closer to break and even more importantly, thankful that I had one more day to live for the Lord. I am SO close to Christmas Break and am so close to being finished with my first semester of college! Craziness. So…let the next week and a half begin. Bring it on.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Living and Learning

Well, another several weeks has passed by and while my blogging has ceased to exist, my life has continued at its crazy pace and I continue to be blessed with fun adventures.

Several weeks ago, mom and I had the opportunity to go cheer on the Wildcats at an exhibition basketball game against Transylvania University. Getting to experience my first basketball game in Rupp Arena with mom was so special. At the sound of the fight song, she would morph into her alter-ego cheerleader self and clap and sing along in pure delight, which of course brought me great joy…and made me laugh out loud. I so enjoyed getting to laugh with, talk to, cheer with, and simply spend time with one of the most precious women in my life.

Scratch Came to Visit

Oh Decisions…
During my senior year, I decided that I wanted to become a physical therapist and mapped out my future in my mind. After several months of being a Kinesiology major however, my true passions and desires have been revealed. It’s funny how the Lord opens and closes doors when you submit yourself to His will. It’s also funny how He reveals Himself in subtle ways to make His will known. While visiting the doctor several weeks ago, I watched through glass windows as a physical therapist worked with a patient. After watching her go from patient to patient in a monotonous routine, I realized that my desire to build intentional relationships with people would not be attainable. I began to realize at that moment, that I was not called to be a physical therapist. This was the first time the Lord knocked on my heart.

While talking to Lydia during one of our annual late night talks, we began talking about the future…a frequently discussed topic. When Lydia asked me- “What job would bring you most joy?’ I responded without thinking- “Being a first or second grade teacher.” Talk about getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Wasn’t I supposed to say that being a physical therapist would bring me most joy? I quickly shrugged off my answer and turned the attention towards Lydia. Knock knock…

Several days later, while riding in the car with my mom, we started talking about the future. After talking about Kinesiology and Physical Therapy and lamenting about my dislike of science and math, I broke down and admitted that I wasn’t convinced that I was on the right career path. My mom of course already knew this and responded by saying that my joy was her greatest desire and that she would support me and would be proud of me regardless of what I did. One of the greatest desires in my life is to make my parents proud and to not disappoint them, so hearing her say those words out loud was so reassuring. I started telling her about the discussion Lydia and I had had. Mom responded by saying that she had always seen me as a teacher…thanks for sharing that with me NOW. I guess I am not surprised…it appears that a love for teaching runs in the family. As I started picturing myself as a teacher, I smiled thinking about all of the precious children the Lord would entrust me with to pour into and love. I was giddy for the first time thinking about the future. Knock, knock, knock…Okay, I hear you Lord, loud and clear.

After much prayer, more conversations, and reflecting, I am excited to say that I have begun my journey towards becoming an elementary teacher. I am so excited to begin this journey and can’t wait to see where this path leads and who I will have the opportunity meet along the way. While I am at peace with my decision and am excited about what the future holds, there are of course no guarantees that the Lord won’t guide me in another direction down the road. I am going to work hard, pray hard, and continue to keep an open mind and heart and trust that the Lord will continue to reveal Himself to me and will teach, lead, and shape me into the woman He has created me to be.

The songs “Already There” by Casting Crowns and “You Lead” by Jamie Grace have been my theme songs these past few weeks. In “Already There” Casting Crowns sings:

From where You're standing
Lord, You see a grand design
That You imagined
When You breathed me into life
And all the chaos
Comes together in Your hands
Like a masterpiece
Of Your picture perfect plan

Wow- so beautiful. It gives me cold chills to think of the Lord piecing my puzzle together- adding new pieces that fit perfectly with the previous and will fit perfectly with the pieces to come, to eventually reveal the beautiful and unique masterpiece the Lord had in mind when He created me. While it can be unnerving to not know what the future holds, it is amazing to sit back and let the Lord reveal Himself and His beautifully crafted plan to us one piece at a time.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. –Jeremiah 29:11

Shift Retreat...
Have I mentioned how much I love CSF? What a tremendous blessing it continues to be in my life. A few weeks ago, I went to Laurel Lake along with about 50 other freshman and CSF leaders to enjoy fellowship and learn and grow in the Lord. It was so wonderful to get away from the busyness of Lexington and be able to enjoy spending time outside and out of cell phone service. The weekend was full of laughter and great conversations.

On Friday night we played a game called Over the Mountain. Well, unfortunately I experienced yet another “Emi moment.”

In order to fully appreciate the story, I’ll explain how the game works. Over the Mountain is basically glorified musical chairs. You put your chairs in a circle while omitting one and have the one person without a chair go in the middle and say, “I’m (fill in your name). Over the Mountain if you ______” and the person fills in the blank with something that they have done. For example, “Over the Mountain if you go to UK.” After the command is called out, the insanity begins. Everyone who relates to what the person in the middle has said must get up and run to a chair that is not directly beside them. The result is complete chaos.   

Okay, so now that you understand how the game works, I’ll share my moment. Let me begin my saying that we were playing with metal folding chairs and slippery concrete floor. (If you’re thinking oh boy after that side note, you’re onto something…) Okay, several rounds in someone called out something that was applicable to me so I joined the madness and frantically searched for a chair. As my options quickly began to dwindle, I whipped around to see the rest of the circle in hopes that there would be a seat remaining. Well, my head whipped one way and my body whipped another way and I sprawled out, face first on the concrete. Apparently I was already the last one remaining so everyone had a nice front row seat to my wipeout. The whole room filled with uncontrollable laughter as I sat completely unharmed on the floor dying laughing at my unfortunate clumsiness. My only regret in all of this was that the ordeal wasn’t recorded, as I am certain American’s Funniest Home Videos would have thoroughly enjoyed my graceful face plant. Three positive things came out of the fall- 1. It provided the entire room with pure entertainment and laughter 2. Everyone now knows my name (or at least the girl that fell at Shift Retreat) 3. It was yet another hilarious memory that brings an instant smile to my face.

After continuing the game for several more rounds, we ventured outside and hung out under the stars while enjoying the warmth (and s’mores) around a bonfire. Great conversations, stories, and laughter were shared and friendships and memories were made. I’d call that a successful weekend.

Luke 14:12-14…
Southland puts on Jesus Prom each year, which gives mentally and physically disabled men and women the opportunity to experience prom. They provide beautiful gowns, tuxes, people to do hair and makeup, etc. to ensure that each guest feels beautiful (or handsome) on their special night. I had the opportunity to be an escort for the prom and was paired with a sweet boy named Jeremy as my date. Boy did he have a personality. If I got a dollar for every time he called me baby or told me I was hot, I would be a millionaire. Haha. After eating Chick-Fil A for dinner and talking to him about his life, Jeremy’s girlfriend Staci showed up with her “date.” Well, once the lovebirds found each other, Staci’s escort and I became their supervisors instead of their dates. Jeremy and Staci kissed and hugged and loved on each other so many times during the night I felt like a parent awkwardly spying on her kids. While it was slightly awkward, it was incredibly precious to see the way they communicated with one another and cared for each other. Their relationship was so pure and simple. So sweet.

Jeremy and I..."Hey Baby."

Post-Prom Dinner at Steak N' Shake

The night was by far one of the most humbling experiences of my life. While Jeremy and Staci were very high functioning, so many of the promers were confined to wheelchairs or were incapable of walking, speaking, eating, etc. on their own. I was reminded once again of how much I take for granted. I was overwhelmed with gratitude that the Lord had blessed me with an able body but my heart broke for the men and women who would never be able to experience life the way I could. As I reflected on this, I began looking into each of their eyes and was moved to tears as I saw the way their eyes twinkled with joy and how their smiles lit up their faces. It was then that I realized that these men and women didn’t harp on their disabilities but on their ability to love and find joy in the simple things in life. These beautiful men and women are a beautiful testament to the way we should live our lives- with joy and simplicity, how we should live out our faith- in total surrender and absolute trust, and how we should love others- like Jesus loves.

Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” –Luke 14:12-14

Monday, October 31, 2011

Learning, Laughing, and Loving

My goodness gracious, it is absolutely ridiculous that I have let this much time pass before blogging again. Have I mentioned how CRAZY my life is...maybe once or twice? Wow. These past few weeks have been a time of laughter, tears, sweet memories, and life lessons.

CSF is in the House Tonight…
After six years, I returned to Woodland Lakes Camp for the CSF Fall Retreat. Unlike my past camping experiences,  I enjoyed every moment of the weekend. God was MOVING in that place.  It was amazing to take a break from the craziness of life and be completely “unplugged” from the outside world and focus solely on building relationships with others and intentionally and wholeheartedly seeking the Lord.

So many sweet memories were made, laughter was shared, hearts were convicted, and voices were raised in praise for our Father. Being able to worship alongside 400 college students with arms held high and eyes fixed on our Father, touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. Saturday night we had the opportunity to write letters and prayers to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It was amazing to have the opportunity to pray for, encourage, and affirm each other in such a tangible way. It was so beautiful to look around and see everyone pouring their hearts out on paper. The body of Christ is incredible. After writing for several hours, I went over to a group of newly made friends and sang worship songs with them until 4:30 in the morning…the three hours of sleep that I had were certainly worth the laughter and fellowship shared. 

Deuces- Winning Dodgeball Team

So awesome, so blessed, so thankful.

Set the World On Fire…
The Lord has been working on my heart and calling me to surrender everything- every fear, every dream, every mistake, every talent, every worry, everything. I want to live a life completely sold out for the Lord and long for opportunities to serve others and bring Him glory. I want His name to be known over my own and to be a source of love and joy in other’s lives. I want to pour out everything I have to the One who deserves it all. I’m tired of dreaming and wishing and saying- it's time to start doing. Giving the Lord everything also means truly resting in the truth that He knows my deepest desires and finding peace in knowing that He- the One who created the heavens and the earth, who knows me by name and calls me His daughter- is in control and is fully capable of leading and guiding me to exactly where He needs me to be. Roy Lessin states- "You're here not by chance, but by God's choosing. His Hand formed you and made you into the person you are. He compares you to no one else- you are one of a kind. You lack nothing that His grace can't give you. He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfill His special purpose for this generation." Wow- cold chills. What an honor and great responsibility we each have. While it's easy to get caught up in trying to figure out "what our purpose is," what I'm learning is it's not about WHAT we do but WHO we do it for. It's not about WHERE we do but WHY we do. And it's not about OUR fame or glory but HIS. I'm choosing to live a life FOR the Lord BECAUSE He has called us to live lives in complete surrender to Him and I will GIVE all glory and honor and praise to the One who deserves it all.

As a 19 year old, it’s both exciting and completely terrifying to think about the future. It’s exciting because I know that I’m not the one in charge and that the Lord has a plan for my life far greater than I could ever imagine. However, it’s also frustrating as the “goal oriented” person that I am, to not know exactly where I’m headed. I suppose that’s all part of the adventure though, huh?  I know that the Lord has blessed me with specific and unique talents, abilities, dreams, and passions and I’m excited to see how He uses me to further His Kingdom. I have been listening to Britt Nicole’s song, “Set the World On Fire” a lot lately. The lyrics explain exactly what my greatest desire is- to be obedient to the Lord’s calling and let Him do extraordinary things through this ordinary girl.

Some of my favorite lines of the song are:

“I wanna set the world on fire until it's burning bright for You. It's everything that I desire. Can I be the one You use?”

“Take my dreams come and give them wings. Lord with You there’s nothing I can’t do.”

“I wanna feed the hungry children and reach across the farthest land. And tell the broken there is healing and mercy in the Father's hands.”

Cold chills.

Tale As Old Time…
For my birthday, my parents surprised me with two tickets to the Beauty and the Beast Broadway show.  Talk about a perfect present for a girl who loves Disney princesses (and secretly dreams of being one), loves music, loves costumes, and loves creating memories with the precious people in my life. I asked my sweet Anna to be my date to the show and what a blessing it was to be able to share such a fun experience with her. As ridiculous as it may sound, the car ride to and from Indianapolis was one of the highlights of the day. While the show was spectacular and the actors were phenomenally talented, the stories, laughter, and meaningful conversations Anna and I shared were moments that I will always treasure. The day was absolutely wonderful and quite perfectly princessey. 

My Sweet Anna and I

This three-letter word is by far my favorite word in the dictionary.  The latest series at Southland is entitled “Rebellious Joy.” I love that. On Sunday, Jon Weece defined joy as “an exclusive gift from God that is not circumstantial.” He told the story of Paul who, in the midst of pain and torture my mind cannot fathom, continued to praise the Lord with great joy. Amazing. We should all live lives of continual joy and praise for our Father. Jon continued by saying that the amount of joy we experience is connected to the amount of people we share eternity with. This statement convicted me and encouraged me to strive to live a life that shines for the Lord and to be bold in my faith. Jon also spoke of the importance of serving others. He said, “when you’re on the receiving end of the Lord’s love, your love abounds and so does your joy and the focus is no longer on you but on others.” The Lord calls us to be His hands and feet and to give of our money, our time, and ourselves. When we are intentional in serving others for the glory of the Lord, we make ourselves available for Him to work and move through us in unbelievable ways.

“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.” - Philippians 1:9-11

Candy Corn, Costumes, and Cold…
CSF hosted yet another huge party for “Holla-ween.” It was so fun to walk around and see everyone dressed up, dance, eat, and enjoy the company and conversations with precious friends. While I’m not the biggest Halloween fan, (because making a costume requires “too much effort”) I thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone’s creativity and hilarious dance moves. Good times, lots of laughs, and sweet memories.

Prima Ballerina and the Greaser Girl

Jen-Bear and I

Oh how I just love my family. Family Weekend could not have been better- family, good food, tons of laughter, sweet friends, and football.  I miss my family terribly when I’m away at school so any time spent with them is always savored and enjoyed. The amount of laugher we always share warms my heart and brings me so much joy. While Family Weekend was centered on the UK vs. Mississippi State (which I lovingly (and ignorantly) referred to as Michigan State) football game, we got our fill of football after the first half of the game and left for dinner/dessert with sweet friends. Yes, we are indeed fair weather fans and are proud of it. I was certainly a happy girl loving life and loving the people in it.

The Gang

Miss Lydia and I

The Family

Since Halloween landed on a Monday, we got to spend our evening with the precious people of Woodhill. We had a little festival for the kids with trunk-or-treating, a moon bouncer, and snow cones. It was wonderful to be able to spend Halloween with our new friends and see the precious kids dressed up in costumes running around yelling “trick or treat!” God is moving in the hearts of the people of Woodhill and it is so humbling to have the opportunity to be apart of God’s work. The Lord is so good and works in incredible ways. All glory and praise to Him.

Sweet Maria and the Gang

The Crayons

In the Life of Emilee Hancock…
Wow- I believe next to the word dork in the dictionary, you can find a picture of me. I make myself feel better by thinking I’m adorkable instead of just a dork. While I have almost daily “moments,” I decided to share a few in hopes that it brings a smile to your face:

Test Anxiety
Most nights I will go to sleep before my precious roomie does. Well, as usual I fell fast asleep while Miss Lydia worked diligently on homework (just to clarify- I was finished with my homework for the night). After sleeping soundly for about two hours, I popped out of bed and began frantically searching for my glasses and put them on. Then the conversation went as followed:

Emilee- (In a long drawn out and sleepy voice) “I don’t wannnna do it.”
Lydia- (Very confused as to why I’m awake) “Do what?”
Emilee- “Study. I don’t want to.” (Long pause) “Do I have to?” (Another long pause) “No.”

After realizing that I did not have to “study” I took my glasses off and fell back into bed. About 30 seconds later I realized what had just happened and started dying laughing at myself. Not only did I not have a test the next morning but it was also about 2:30 in the morning. Lydia and I laughed for about five minutes straight and then proceeded to finally go (back) to bed. I’m still not sure why I felt the need to study at 2:30 in the morning…I guess that just proves how studious I have become as a college student. Be proud.

Still laughing as I type this…

Can You Tell I’m New At This?
Instead of diamonds or dogs, Starbuck’s is a college student’s best friend. While I would love to be a coffee drinker and get the extra burst of energy that’s needed at 2:00 in the morning while I work on homework, I just can’t bring myself to drink it. SO, in an effort to “fit in” (totally joking) I go for either a Strawberry Smoothie or a Carmel Apple Cider. One night after studying for several hours, Lydia and I decided to take a study break and get some Starbuck’s. Well…my lack of Starbuck’s experience was clearly evident. Here is the conversation between the Barista and me:

Barista: “Hi, what can I get for you?”
Emilee: “Hi, how are you?”
Barista: (Awkwardly looks at me) “I’m fine…what can I get for you?”
Emilee: “Can I please have a Strawberry Smoothie?”
Barista: (I think she says) “For here or to go?”
--Side note: all Starbuck’s drinks are technically “to go”--
Emilee: “To go please.”
Barista: (Yet another strange look) “Umm…I said what’s your name?”
Emilee: “Oh (Giggle), Emilee Hancock. Oh shoot, that’s awkward, you don’t need to know my last name, do you? (More giggling)”
Barista: (A third strange look) “Okay.” And proceeds to write my first and last name with an exclamation point- meaning “Hey look what this goofball just did.”
Emilee: I begin to walk away WITHOUT paying…
Barista: “Hey wait, hey…you didn’t pay yet.”
Emilee: “Wow- can you tell I’m new at this?” (Quickly hands her my card and slinks away)

She clearly wasn't talking about me...I don't know who this EmilY character is...

My goodness gracious- I should have spoken with some kind of accent to make my Starbuck’s illiteracy more acceptable. In short, I now listen carefully, give only the necessary details, and take my card out before ordering when I go to Starbuck’s.

MLIA- my life is awkward.

å“Ž å‘€ (Oops)
While on-campus food is really not that bad, it gets old quite quickly. After being cooped up in our room all day, Lydia and I decided to mix things up and hike across campus to Panda Express for dinner. After ordering my “usual” meal- Chow Mein and Orange Chicken- I paid for my meal and went to fill up my drink. Well, it turns out that my hands aren’t as large as I thought they were. I balanced my bowl, drink, phone, and fortune cookie in my left hand (not sure what my right hand was doing). I approached our table and attempted to place my bowl on the table...attempted being the operative word. My bowl tipped over, spilling my precious food on the table and floor. Epic fail. Meanwhile, Lydia watched the whole scene from line and turned her head as though she didn’t know me. Some roommate I have. After giggling alone awkwardly and contemplating how dirty the table really was, I decided that I would go back to the counter and try again. After explaining the situation and pointing to the evidence still covering the table and floor, the girl behind the counter made a little plate of chicken and passed the plate to the cashier stating loud enough for me to hear- “I don’t know if she is going to pay for this.” To which I said as sweetly as possible- “I am fine to pay for it. It was my clumsiness that made me drop it.” The lady at the counter looked at me skeptically (let me say once again that the food was STILL on the floor and table. Woman, I’m really not trying to steal your chicken) and turned her head and shoved the chicken at me. I politely said thank you and turned away slightly confused as to why so much drama had just occurred. Goodness, all of that for a few pieces of chicken and cold Chow Mein.  Epic fail.

Sleeping Beauty
I am not a morning person. While I am not grumpy in the morning, I tend to be completely mute with an occasional grunt. My philosophy is- if the sun isn’t up, I shouldn’t be either. My freshman swag is certainly evident seeing as I have three 8:00AM classes. Not a happy girl. Typically I will set my alarm for 7:27, lie in bed until 7:35 and (begrudgingly) get out of bed and leave for class by 7:50. Well…last week my alarm went off at 7:27 so I turned it off and rolled over until “7:35.” Turns out in my sleepy state, I forgot to reset my alarm. At 7:54 I WOKE UP and thought Oh no, this can’t be good. Mind you, my class is a good ten-minute walk across campus. Well, nothing gets your heart pumping like waking up late. I jumped out of bed and quickly changed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and threw my (uncombed) hair up in a ponytail and bolted out the door with a Special K bar in hand. As soon as I got downstairs I remembered that it was supposed to rain and storm all day. Fantastic. Did I remember my umbrella in my tizzy? Of course not.  So, I power walked- late, cold, and in the pouring rain- to my class and arrived only 6 minutes late. After arriving to weight lifting, I decided that I had had enough exercise for the day already and took my time stretching and catching my breath. I now set my alarm the night BEFORE…lesson learned.

Song Recommendations…
Music warms my heart and often puts the thoughts/feelings into words that I’m incapable of. These past few weeks I’ve discovered some awesome songs that have really touched my heart and are just too good to keep to myself. Check them out:

Lift Me Up- The Afters
How Great Is Our God (World Edition)- Chris Tomlin
We Are- Kari Jobe
Alive In This Moment- Starfield
Found By You- Britt Nicole
Keep Your Eyes Open- NEEDTOBREATHE
You Are the Beauty- Gungor
This Is Not the End- Gungor

Beautiful Sunsets...
Lastly, I want to leave you with some of the gorgeous sunsets the Lord has created these past few days. HE is SO good and is the ultimate artist. Take time this week to marvel at the Lord's creativity and mastery. The same God that paints the sky each night created you and calls you His precious son or daughter. What an honor.

"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD." -Psalm 150:6

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Humbled By His Abundant Gifts

19 Years & Counting…
What a tremendously blessed and joyful day my birthday was, full of reminders of how graciously the Lord has blessed me. I am convinced that birthday’s are a beautiful example of how every day should look- showering those around us with love and encouragement and celebrating their life and accomplishments. Far too often we get caught up in the busyness our own lives and miss out on countless opportunities to pour into other’s lives and be intentional encouragers, prayer warriors, and life partners. This year, I am going to be intentional and celebrate life every day. Who’s with me?

My first birthday away from home was absolutely amazing. I got to celebrate from 12AM to 11:59PM (thanks to homework). My day was packed full of sweet birthday texts, Facebook messages, phone calls, hugs, birthday lunch with my precious sister, and a special birthday dinner with my parents. To say the least-it was a wonderful day, full of reminders of how beautifully blessed I am. So blessed. So undeserving. So thankful.

Never Too Old for a Princess Cake, Right?

I was absolutely overwhelmed and humbled by the love I was bombarded with on my birthday. I got teary eyed several times thinking about how richly the Lord has blessed me and how undeserving I am of His abundant blessings. I truly have the most amazing people in my life. People who love me unconditionally, support me always, pray for me regularly, and teach me daily. My immediate, extended, and bonus family are the most amazing group of people- full of unique talents that each use beautifully to glorify the Lord. They are my role models, encouragers, and best friends. They lead by example and live lives that inspire me to dream big, love intentionally, and seek God always. I have received immeasurable joy by having the opportunity to “do life” with such Godly and beautiful people and look forward to the many adventures in store for us this coming year.

My Beautiful Family

The Sibs

Nanny and Pappy

While reflecting on the people in my life, I focused on the ONE, who knows me more intimately and loves me more passionately than any other. Every day the Lord blesses me with the greatest LIFE present anyone could ever dream of- the daily opportunity to live a beautifully blessed life, love others, and enjoy the things that He has so masterfully created. Every year, every day, every hour, and every breath that the Lord blesses me with is an amazing gift. I am so thankful to have a Savior who rejoices over me, loves me, guides me, and entrusts me with the honor and responsibility of loving His Children and being a light for His glory. The Lord has blessed me so graciously and I am so thankful.

My 19 Prayers…
As I begin this year, I pray that it would be one full of opportunities to grow, learn, and serve. I pray for a year full of unforgettable memories. I pray that I would bring joy to others. I pray that I would live in and soak up each moment the Lord blesses me with. I pray that I would be a shining light for the Lord and that His name would be known over mine. I pray that my eyes would be opened to the lonely, hurting, and broken. I pray that I would seek His direction in all things. I pray that I will be obedient to where He leads me. I pray that I would be intentional in every interaction. I pray that I would be able to bless my loved ones the way they bless me. I pray that there would be countless opportunities to laugh. I pray that there would be quiet moments to appreciate the Lord’s creativity and mastery. I pray that I would have opportunities to serve others. I pray that I would be a role model and Godly example for those around me. I pray that I would keep my eyes fixed on the Lord and trust in His divine plan. I pray that the talents and abilities I have been blessed with would be made known and be used to glorify the Lord. I pray that this year would be full of meaningful friendships. I pray that I would be reminded often of how beautifully blessed I am and not take a single blessing for granted. I pray for a year that is God-honoring and glorifying. 

So, here’s to the last year of teenage-hood...bring it on!

All Work and Some Play…
Well, the craziness of college life continues. Each morning I wake up wondering when I’ll be able to fall into bed again and each night I wonder how late I can set my alarm clock and still make it to class in time…forget about looking presentable. Sleep > Appearance. I continue to live off of daily to-do lists and receive great satisfaction when I can cross things off the list. I officially have to “pencil in” quiet time: Pathetic- yes. Effective- yes. I have found such comfort and joy in taking intentional time to be still and read the word. Despite the craziness of this new life, I am thankful for the opportunity to learn here and take another step closer to becoming the person the Lord has called me to be.

CSF continues to be such a blessing in my life. The fellowship, worship, and opportunities to grow and learn in my faith are unbelievable. I am so excited and thankful to be surrounded by such men and women of God and look forward to the friendships and memories that will continue to be made.

CSF 80's Party

My Sweet Sisterbear

One of our dorm activities going on right now is entitled “Post Secrets.” As the name suggests, the girls in the dorm have the opportunity to reveal anonymous secrets about themselves and have them posted throughout the lobby of the hall for everyone to read. While the concept of this seems fun and harmless, it has become a therapeutic outlet for broken and hopeless girls. My heart was absolutely broken as I read of the pain, loneliness, regret, and brokenness the girls in my hall have and continue to endure. The Lord’s love, hope, and grace desperately need to be shared with these girls and I pray for opportunities to witness to them and be a light in their lives. The secrets don’t have names on them, but I trust that the Lord will lead me to those who need Him most and will give me opportunities to love them, pray with them, and tell them that through the grace of God, our past does not have to define our future. It’s time to start mending these broken hearts…with the Lord as the thread, I pray that I could be the needle He uses to restore these broken lives.

Fasten Your Seat Belt…
I have been struggling lately with the uncertainty of my future. Being the goal-oriented person that I am, I have often become frustrated by my lack of a specific end-goal. While the obvious goal is to graduate and be successful, I long for clear direction as to what I am supposed to become and where I am supposed to go. The Lord has placed on my heart a strong desire to serve, love, and invest in other’s lives and I pray that He would bless me with an opportunity to do just that. I know that the Lord’s plan is far more beautifully crafted than I can ever imagine and trust that in HIS time, His will will be made known. I know that this is another opportunity for me to grow closer to the Lord and fully surrender my life to Him and trust that He will lead me where He can best use me to love others and further His Kingdom. I know that He will never leave me or forsake me and will guide my every step. I know these things and am comforted by the certainty that God is in control. My prayer now is that I would have an obedient and open heart and mind to whatever the Lord has in store for me and that I would go where I felt led, wherever that may be. I’m fastening my seatbelt and am ready to embark on this crazy adventure with the Lord as my guide.

“No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven.” - Philippians 3:13-14

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Crazy Life

To Be Still…
Psalm 46:10 states, “Be still and know that I am God.” To be still means to stop and let go of the reigns of life. To be still means to stop and let God work in and through you and to listen for His voice. To be still means to stop focusing on the daily stress and responsibilities each day brings and to turn your attention to the Lord. I am guilty of being anything but still. My life these past few weeks has been an absolute whirlwind full of late nights, early mornings, and long days. I have been dependent on to-do lists, iCal events, and alarm clocks. What I’ve recently been convicted of however, is that all of the things I have devoted my time, energy, and thoughts towards, are incredibly insignificant when compared to the plans God has in store for my life. He doesn’t care about my never ending to-do lists or color coded iCal events…no, He cares about His lost, lonely, and broken children on this campus. He cares about the opportunities He blesses me with to be a light and source of encouragement to His children. He cares about the lives that would be forever changed if they heard about the overwhelming love and grace of God. Instead of getting wrapped up in the next task I need to accomplish, I need to focus on the next life the Lord can save through me. While college is intended for learning and earning a degree, it is also a vital time to grow closer to the Lord and an opportunity to take one step closer towards becoming the Emilee God has called me to be. I’ve realized this transition is impossible if I don’t stop and simply be still and let the Lord speak to my heart. I have to rid myself of distractions and keep my mind focused on Him as well as spend intentional time listening for His voice and reading His word. It is extremely easy to get caught up in the craziness of life, but by focusing on Him and seeking ways to bring glory to the One who deserve it all, I know that this time will be so much more rewarding and worthwhile.

“I Lift My Hands” by Chris Tomlin perfectly describes this desire to be still and surrender everything to the Lord in order to bring full glory and honor to Him.

College Life…
I think it’s safe to say that I have officially transitioned out of the “church camp” stage of college and am slowly but surely settling into the rhythm of this new life. With that comes the overwhelming sense of responsibility and stress. A few lessons I have learned in the short time I’ve been here:
  • I am a walking stop sign- “I’ve got the power.”
  • While cars follow the "pedestrians first" rule, they do not follow the "bikers first" rule...I saw a poor biker get hit by a car. I was ready to jump into "hero" mode if necessary but luckily, he was totally fine.
  • Showers are an exact science and are no longer a time for relaxation
  • Sleep is overrated
  • Yoga pants, sweatshirts, and ponytails are extremely fashionable…or at least extremely comfortable
  • College textbook reading is extremely boring, or as I like to say extremely snoring
  • Contrary to popular beliefs, naps are a girl’s best friend…not diamonds
  • Time moves at a freakish rate in the afternoon/evening
  •  Meal swipes are beautiful things
  • Walking all over creation in the rain is not something I thoroughly enjoy
  •  Getting a second wind in college is dangerous as there is no place to redirect my energy
  • Interpretative dancing and balancing on our bed frames are extremely entertaining and hilarious at 2:00 in the morning
  • Facebook chatting your roommate as you sit next to her is hilarious
  • Fire truck, police car, and ambulance sirens at all hours of the night make for a beautiful lullaby
  • Hearing UK’s fight song and spelling C-A-T-S each time we score a touchdown is quite exhilarating
First Football Game

This new stage of life has been one that has challenged me and blessed me in ways I didn’t know were possible. Recently I have been struggling trying to figure out what God is calling me to do with my life. I have such a love for people and find such joy in bringing others joy and pray that the Lord would lead me to a place where I could witness to and bring honor and glory to Him and further His kingdom. I know that by continuing to keep my eyes fixed on the Lord and keeping my heart open to where He leads me, I will eventually wind up exactly where He needs me.

I’ve also been struggling with a desire to no longer be “1 of 4,326.” I have already met many amazing and beautiful people and am thankful for the joy and encouragement they have already blessed me with but continue to pray that the Lord would continue to guide me and bless me with friends that would help me grow in my faith and as a person and who I could laugh with, talk to, and do life with. I’ve recently joined a “Shift Group” through CSF that just might be the answer to my prayers. After meeting only once, I am already certain that the Lord is going to work in tremendous ways in each of our hearts. It was absolutely beautiful to see a group of girls come together, each from different walks of life but all with a common love for the Lord and desire to grow closer to Him. We are studying the book of Mark and “King’s Cross” written by Tim Keller. After only reading the first chapter, I am already convinced that this book is going to teach me and help me grow in my faith. The first chapter was entitled “The Dance.” Tim Keller wrote about the beautiful and never-ending “dance” between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the invitation we have been blessed with to enter into the dance. Keller writes, “You are made to enter into a divine dance with the Trinity.” How powerful is that? When I imagine this dance, I picture a joyful little girl clinging onto her father’s leg as he effortlessly glides across the dance floor. I am that little girl, desperately clinging onto my Father’s leg as He guides my every movement and effortlessly leads me through the dance of life. I take great comfort in knowing that my Father guides my every step and has a beautifully orchestrated plan for my life.

I’ve said it before and will say it again- Southland Christian Church is amazing. Each week I walk away with a passion to know the Lord in a deeper and more meaningful way. The worship, preaching, and fellowship are simply amazing. Sunday was the start of a new sermon series entitled “Serial Dating.” I highly recommend watching the sermon, but here are a few of the points Jon Weece made that really resonated in my heart:
  • “Your present will someday be your past and your past will be present in your future” –Andy Stanley
  • It’s not about finding the right person, it’s about becoming the right person
  • Rather than focusing on finding “Mr. Right” we should be focusing on “becoming the person we are looking for is looking for.” –Andy Stanley
  • Do not give your heart to someone who has not given their heart to Jesus
  • Your dating relationship should not be the primary relationship in your life—your primary relationship should be your relationship with the Lord
  • Don’t date someone based on potential
  • Find someone who helps you become more like Christ
  • You have to know Jesus before you can recognize it in other people
  • 1 Corinthians 13 is a guide to love and provides us with practical ways to love others the way God has intended us to
  • True love is acceptance of all that is, has been, and will (or will not) be
  • Your past does not define your future
Check out the Sermon: Serial Dating

Serve the City…
The Lord calls us to go and be His hands and feet and share His love with those around us. Through CSF, I have the opportunity to go to low-income neighborhoods each Monday and build relationships, witness, talk to, and pray with the people there. My eyes have been opened to the overwhelming needs and struggles people in our own backyard face every day. It has been so humbling to hear their stories and see the pain, exhaustion, and desperation on their faces. My heart breaks for them and I desperately long to share the hope and grace the Lord offers. I am so excited to see how He works through us these next few months and pray that hearts would be forever changed.

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.” -1 Peter 4:8-11